KUCHING, Nov 26 (Bernama) -- The federal government sees a big potential in the ornamental fish industry under the National Key Economic Area until 2020, said Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Chua Tee Yong.
He said the industry would contribute not less than RM600 million to gross domestic product (GDP) and offer about 100,000 jobs by end-2020.
"The ministry has forecast export of 1.5 billion ornamental fish worth RM1.7 billion under the 10th Malaysia Plan," he said in his speech at the seminar and exhibition on Arowana at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak here today.
The text of his speech was read by deputy director (development) of Fisheries Department, Ismail Abu Hassan.
He said Malaysia was one of the top exporters of ornamental fish in the world.
Chua said the Arowana (kelisa) was highly prized where 316,000 fish worth RM146 million were produced in 2009.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Ornamental fish sector set to contribute RM600million to GDP
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Shutting down Genting means thousands of job losses – MCA Young Professionals Bureau
MCA’s concerns that Genting’s casino maybe forcibly shut down should PAS seize Pahang state were confirmed today when Pahang PAS chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man is reported to have said that “PAS may consider closing up Resorts World Genting’s gambling operations … (as) this involves religious concerns.”
MCA’s stand
I wish to repeat my party’s stand that MCA does not encourage gambling. Nevertheless, we urge all parties especially PAS to respect the rights of non-Muslims.
Impending job cuts & Brain drain
PAS fails to see another major issue. Genting Highlands is not about the casino only. Its cool weather, amusement park, restaurants and golf course attract all age groups from all over the world. Revoking the casino’s licence serves to scare tourists away with images of Malaysia turning overly conservative and punitive.
Tuan Ibrahim’s assertions that “hudud law is for Muslims only and not non-Muslims” fall flat. It is not just the jobs of Genting staff which are on the line, but also the downstream Muslim and non-Muslim suppliers too. Considering the amount that Genting pays in taxes, the nation’s coffers will see a reduction while beneficiaries of Genting’s corporate service responsibility projects like schools and charities would also be on the losing end.
When jobs cannot be sustained, workers will look elsewhere like Singapore or Macao for better opportunities – thus, Malaysia once again will suffer a drain of its talents.
DAP and PKR, what say you?
DAP and PKR therefore are unable to look after the welfare and interests of Malaysians as a whole – a sharp turnaround of the promises in the Buku Jingga. The much touted Buku Jingga contains mere political niceties, but PAS will never care a twig for its contents or other coalition partners in their gear-up to push for a theocratic state.
I pose to DAP and PKR – What measures will you be taking to ensure that hudud law will not affect non-Muslims? How are you going to face up to the electorate knowing that so many jobs are at stake if Pakatan wrestles Pahang? Should not the Opposition parties be more concerned about generating employment and entrepreneurial opportunities?
MCA’s stand
I wish to repeat my party’s stand that MCA does not encourage gambling. Nevertheless, we urge all parties especially PAS to respect the rights of non-Muslims.
Impending job cuts & Brain drain
PAS fails to see another major issue. Genting Highlands is not about the casino only. Its cool weather, amusement park, restaurants and golf course attract all age groups from all over the world. Revoking the casino’s licence serves to scare tourists away with images of Malaysia turning overly conservative and punitive.
Tuan Ibrahim’s assertions that “hudud law is for Muslims only and not non-Muslims” fall flat. It is not just the jobs of Genting staff which are on the line, but also the downstream Muslim and non-Muslim suppliers too. Considering the amount that Genting pays in taxes, the nation’s coffers will see a reduction while beneficiaries of Genting’s corporate service responsibility projects like schools and charities would also be on the losing end.
When jobs cannot be sustained, workers will look elsewhere like Singapore or Macao for better opportunities – thus, Malaysia once again will suffer a drain of its talents.
DAP and PKR, what say you?
DAP and PKR therefore are unable to look after the welfare and interests of Malaysians as a whole – a sharp turnaround of the promises in the Buku Jingga. The much touted Buku Jingga contains mere political niceties, but PAS will never care a twig for its contents or other coalition partners in their gear-up to push for a theocratic state.
I pose to DAP and PKR – What measures will you be taking to ensure that hudud law will not affect non-Muslims? How are you going to face up to the electorate knowing that so many jobs are at stake if Pakatan wrestles Pahang? Should not the Opposition parties be more concerned about generating employment and entrepreneurial opportunities?
1. 行动党宣传主任潘俭伟指民联执政后,要减少公务员人数。在回教党坚称那是行动党的“个人”意见后,行动党社青团团长陆兆福就表示,民联一旦执政,森州民联联将不会辞退任何公务员,这项“减少公务员”言论显示行动党及民联的自相矛盾。那到底行动党在减少公务员的课题上,持有什么立场?
2. 槟州首席部长林冠英宣称州政府把 6 亿令吉州债务减至2900万令吉,而事实是槟州政府根本没有减少债务,而是把水务公司转由中央政府接管。但是,当霹雳州政府的水务资产交由中央政府接管,以抵销对中央政府的债务,从之前的9亿7059万令吉债务,减至7866万令吉时,实兆远州议员倪可汉却谴责霹雳州政府如此做。那到底行动党的立场是什么?
3. 林冠英指“国阵新的“网络军团”将会让即将举行的第13届全国大选,成为我国史上使用最肮脏手段的选举,”事实是行动党都在打“网络战”,甚至有领袖以“粗口烂舌”谩骂,这又是多“乾净”的手段?
4. 民联多名领袖反对国内电讯公司向预付卡用户征收6%服务税,而政府最终检讨及搁置征收服务税的决定,但不见得民联在替代预算案,或橙皮书里面说明,民联不允许电讯公司向预付卡用户征收服务税,这都显示民联只是在欺骗选民。
1. 行动党宣传主任潘俭伟指民联执政后,要减少公务员人数。在回教党坚称那是行动党的“个人”意见后,行动党社青团团长陆兆福就表示,民联一旦执政,森州民联联将不会辞退任何公务员,这项“减少公务员”言论显示行动党及民联的自相矛盾。那到底行动党在减少公务员的课题上,持有什么立场?
2. 槟州首席部长林冠英宣称州政府把 6 亿令吉州债务减至2900万令吉,而事实是槟州政府根本没有减少债务,而是把水务公司转由中央政府接管。但是,当霹雳州政府的水务资产交由中央政府接管,以抵销对中央政府的债务,从之前的9亿7059万令吉债务,减至7866万令吉时,实兆远州议员倪可汉却谴责霹雳州政府如此做。那到底行动党的立场是什么?
3. 林冠英指“国阵新的“网络军团”将会让即将举行的第13届全国大选,成为我国史上使用最肮脏手段的选举,”事实是行动党都在打“网络战”,甚至有领袖以“粗口烂舌”谩骂,这又是多“乾净”的手段?
4. 民联多名领袖反对国内电讯公司向预付卡用户征收6%服务税,而政府最终检讨及搁置征收服务税的决定,但不见得民联在替代预算案,或橙皮书里面说明,民联不允许电讯公司向预付卡用户征收服务税,这都显示民联只是在欺骗选民。
Friday, November 25, 2011
More classrooms to qualify for single-session
LABIS: The Education Ministry and Labis MP Datuk Chua Tee Yong have approved RM70,000 to convert an old library in SRJK(C) Labis into four new classrooms.
With the additional classrooms, the school would apply for a single-session for next year.
Parents-Teachers Association chairman Richard Soh said the school has 29 classrooms and it needed more before qualifying to apply for a single-session.
Work in progress: (From left) Soh, school’s afternoon session supervisor Kea York Chuan, PTA deputy chairman Hee Kam Swee and school board chairman Tey Yee Pin inspecting the renovation works.
He said the classrooms would be ready before the school’s new session in January and was in the midst of writing a recommendation for a single-session to the Education Ministry.
“We have been waiting for this for years. Single-session is important for a holistic education, which allow students and teachers more time and space for academic and curricular activities,” Soh said.
The 94-year-old school has about 900 pupils from pre-school classes to Year Six.
The school’s board of governance chairman Tey Yee Pin said single-session would provide a more conducive environment for learning as the afternoons were humid and not suitable to have classes.
Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry deputy minister, pledged to help the school.
“Education Ministry has allocated RM20,000 and we will help the school raise the remaining fund needed for renovation,” he told reporters after presenting financial donations to 22 schools and non-governmental organisations here
Chua said a total of RM109,500 from his constituency allocation was given out to schools and NGOs.
“We hope to help them to reduce some burden,” he said.
With the additional classrooms, the school would apply for a single-session for next year.
Parents-Teachers Association chairman Richard Soh said the school has 29 classrooms and it needed more before qualifying to apply for a single-session.
Work in progress: (From left) Soh, school’s afternoon session supervisor Kea York Chuan, PTA deputy chairman Hee Kam Swee and school board chairman Tey Yee Pin inspecting the renovation works.
He said the classrooms would be ready before the school’s new session in January and was in the midst of writing a recommendation for a single-session to the Education Ministry.
“We have been waiting for this for years. Single-session is important for a holistic education, which allow students and teachers more time and space for academic and curricular activities,” Soh said.
The 94-year-old school has about 900 pupils from pre-school classes to Year Six.
The school’s board of governance chairman Tey Yee Pin said single-session would provide a more conducive environment for learning as the afternoons were humid and not suitable to have classes.
Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry deputy minister, pledged to help the school.
“Education Ministry has allocated RM20,000 and we will help the school raise the remaining fund needed for renovation,” he told reporters after presenting financial donations to 22 schools and non-governmental organisations here
Chua said a total of RM109,500 from his constituency allocation was given out to schools and NGOs.
“We hope to help them to reduce some burden,” he said.
Sungai Lenek and Sungai Chaah to be cleaned up to mitigate floods
LABIS: The government is deepening and cleaning up two major rivers as part of its flood mitigation projects here.
Labis MP Datuk Chua Tee Yong said the rivers involved were Sungai Lenek and Sungai Chaah.
He added that the relevant agencies including district and state offices were on high alert and have been monitoring flood prone areas.
“As the government is ready in case of floods, we hope residents especially in low-lying areas will also take precautions during the rainy season now,” he told reporters after visiting Sg Lenek around the Chaah area recently.
Concerned : Chua (third left) visiting one of the counter set up for flood victims in Labis to collect flood relief fund.
Labis and Chaah were among the worst-hit areas during the floods in the state earlier this year.
Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-based Industry deputy minister, said MCA would also meet up with other Barisan Nasional component parties to discuss on preparation for floods such as identifying relief centres and also about the distribution of food when a flood occurs.
Chaah resident Wong Lee Yin, 50, said she hoped the government would informed them on what to do and where to go during a flood to save lives and belongings.
“I am worried about floods especially after the horrifying experience I had to go through during the earlier floods this year,” she said during an interview.
Wong said she managed to save her five children as the water-level rose very quickly and she lost everything including her personal documents such as her MyKad.
“The river is just behind our home and the currents during the flood are strong.
“I saw some villagers using a tractor to transport wheelchair-bound senior citizens to safe ground.
“Financial aid alone is not sufficient as we want to be alerted during an emergency especially floods,” the housewife added.
Another resident V. Subramaniam, 31, said he would start worrying about floods when monsoon season was near.
“December is coming and we have to prepare to shift our things to the higher ground.
“My wife and I will have to be extra cautious as we are concerned not just about our lives but also of a newborn baby,” he said.
Labis MP Datuk Chua Tee Yong said the rivers involved were Sungai Lenek and Sungai Chaah.
He added that the relevant agencies including district and state offices were on high alert and have been monitoring flood prone areas.
“As the government is ready in case of floods, we hope residents especially in low-lying areas will also take precautions during the rainy season now,” he told reporters after visiting Sg Lenek around the Chaah area recently.
Concerned : Chua (third left) visiting one of the counter set up for flood victims in Labis to collect flood relief fund.
Labis and Chaah were among the worst-hit areas during the floods in the state earlier this year.
Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-based Industry deputy minister, said MCA would also meet up with other Barisan Nasional component parties to discuss on preparation for floods such as identifying relief centres and also about the distribution of food when a flood occurs.
Chaah resident Wong Lee Yin, 50, said she hoped the government would informed them on what to do and where to go during a flood to save lives and belongings.
“I am worried about floods especially after the horrifying experience I had to go through during the earlier floods this year,” she said during an interview.
Wong said she managed to save her five children as the water-level rose very quickly and she lost everything including her personal documents such as her MyKad.
“The river is just behind our home and the currents during the flood are strong.
“I saw some villagers using a tractor to transport wheelchair-bound senior citizens to safe ground.
“Financial aid alone is not sufficient as we want to be alerted during an emergency especially floods,” the housewife added.
Another resident V. Subramaniam, 31, said he would start worrying about floods when monsoon season was near.
“December is coming and we have to prepare to shift our things to the higher ground.
“My wife and I will have to be extra cautious as we are concerned not just about our lives but also of a newborn baby,” he said.
2011-11-23 08:39
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Spell out criteria for RM500 aid, Govt urged
Monday November 21, 2011
LABIS: The MCA Young Professionals Bureau has urged the Government to spell out clear guidelines on the criteria for the RM500 aid.
“Are those already receiving aid from the Welfare Department and retirees allowed to apply? What about odd-job workers with no fixed income?” asked its chairman Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
Under Budget 2012, the Government had announced the one-off cash assistance for households with a monthly income of RM3,000 and less.
Chua questioned whether the income of offspring would be included in the calculation of “household income” together with their parents’ salaries.
He also urged those waiting for the cash aid from the Government not to believe anyone who offered to help them apply for the funds as the application guidelines had not been issued yet.
Chua said he had received a number of complaints about people who wanted to charge a fee for helping to apply for the aid.
He hoped the cash aid exercise would be carried out throughout the year instead of people having to send in their applications within a stipulated period.
Speaking after visiting his constituency here yesterday, Chua who is also Labis MP, took a jibe at Pakatan Rakyat for criticising the Federal Government’s ability to reduce the national deficit without realising there were huge debts in its own backyard.
He said the Opposition should be aware of Budget deficit problems in states like Selangor and Penang.
The Government, he said, had to ensure a balance in reducing deficit and boosting economic growth.
“If the focus is all on reducing deficit, it may affect economic growth and this will cause a higher unemployment rate and slow down economic and business activities,” he said.
At another event, Chua said he had heard of cases where people not affected by floods in Labis had received relief payment.
Despite not being deserving cases, he said they had capitalised on the generosity of the public and the Government’s goodwill.
“I understand that the National Security Council is working with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and police to take action against those who give false information about their situation,” he said after a flood relief presentation to 394 people from Labis, Chaah and Tenang, who were affected by floods earlier this year.
Earlier, a commotion occurred at the council hall during the distribution of flood relief when people rushed to claim the money.
-The Star-
LABIS: The MCA Young Professionals Bureau has urged the Government to spell out clear guidelines on the criteria for the RM500 aid.
“Are those already receiving aid from the Welfare Department and retirees allowed to apply? What about odd-job workers with no fixed income?” asked its chairman Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
Under Budget 2012, the Government had announced the one-off cash assistance for households with a monthly income of RM3,000 and less.
Chua questioned whether the income of offspring would be included in the calculation of “household income” together with their parents’ salaries.
He also urged those waiting for the cash aid from the Government not to believe anyone who offered to help them apply for the funds as the application guidelines had not been issued yet.
Chua said he had received a number of complaints about people who wanted to charge a fee for helping to apply for the aid.
He hoped the cash aid exercise would be carried out throughout the year instead of people having to send in their applications within a stipulated period.
Speaking after visiting his constituency here yesterday, Chua who is also Labis MP, took a jibe at Pakatan Rakyat for criticising the Federal Government’s ability to reduce the national deficit without realising there were huge debts in its own backyard.
He said the Opposition should be aware of Budget deficit problems in states like Selangor and Penang.
The Government, he said, had to ensure a balance in reducing deficit and boosting economic growth.
“If the focus is all on reducing deficit, it may affect economic growth and this will cause a higher unemployment rate and slow down economic and business activities,” he said.
At another event, Chua said he had heard of cases where people not affected by floods in Labis had received relief payment.
Despite not being deserving cases, he said they had capitalised on the generosity of the public and the Government’s goodwill.
“I understand that the National Security Council is working with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and police to take action against those who give false information about their situation,” he said after a flood relief presentation to 394 people from Labis, Chaah and Tenang, who were affected by floods earlier this year.
Earlier, a commotion occurred at the council hall during the distribution of flood relief when people rushed to claim the money.
-The Star-
蔡智勇:林冠英言论误导 槟6亿债务转移中央政府
Created 11/21/2011 - 18:41
Monday, November 21, 2011
Created 11/20/2011 - 18:31
2011-11-19 11:23
Press Statement by MCA Young Professional Bureau Chairman Datuk Chua Tee Yong
MCA Young Professionals Bureau Chairman Datuk Chua Tee Yong welcomes the recent announcement whereby a deal has been reached by PLUS which is owned by UEM and EPF in regards to the toll rates for major highways.
“I am happy that my proposal raised in Parliament in 2009 which was also brought up by MCA Ministers during Cabinet meetings, was taken into consideration,” Chua said in a statement today. Chua said during that period, he attended a dialogue with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, where he had suggested that Khazanah or EPF should take over the highway concessionaire companies and to restructure the contracts. The Prime Minister agreed to undertake a further review.
“The above announcement shows that the government is committed to reducing the burden of the people,” he added.
“Although there was a reduction of the toll rate increase, I hope UEM and EPF will relook the rate if the financial condition of PLUS further improves. I believe that toll rate should be based on requirement but not at a fixed basis for long run. With this new arrangement, it is beneficial to EPF and EPF contributors as well.”
“As such with the restructuring of toll concessionaires and the ownership, there will be NO toll rate increase until year 2015. On top of that, the government saves RM6.5 billion in compensation whereby it consists of a RM2.9 billion waiver in outstanding compensation owed by the government and an RM3.6 billion freeze on toll rate increase.”
He said this showed that the government is concerned with the impact of toll rates on the people.He said UEM andPLUS also announce to commit to spend RM 800 million yearly for routine, heavy maintenance and upgrading works, to ensure quality of the roads and facilities in the highways. This shows that nationalization is not sustainable.
“Besides that, UEM and EPF also said that toll increases will be lowered from 10 per cent every three years to five per cent at the same intervals. Based on the calculation, starting from year 2016 with a toll rate increase of 5 per cent every 3 years, the toll charges from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru (per trip) will be increased from RM 40.90 to RM 57.55 in 2036, compared with RM 79.77 in 2036 at a 10 per cent increase every 3 years.”Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
錦合獲頒獸醫衛生認證典禮 ‧ 蔡智勇批民聯 反口覆舌誤導人民
12/11/2011 16:23
Pakatan has no unity or consistency, says Tee Yong
Sunday November 13, 2011
JOHOR BARU: Pakatan Rakyat lacks unity and consistency because its leaders have been making contradictory statements on many issues, said MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
He gave as example when a DAP leader recently issued a statement about reducing the number of civil servants, it had been shot down by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and PAS.
Chua also said PAS was going ahead with its plan to implement hudud law in Kelantan even though the matter was not in its Buku Jingga.
“Anwar’s stand on the issue changes according to the scenario that can help fulfil his political aims.
“The Opposition is also against the idea of a salary increase for MPs.
“However, in Selangor, a decision was made to increase the allowance of its assemblymen,” he told reporters after attending De Luxe Circle (M) Sdn Bhd’s veterinary health mark ceremony here on Friday.
Chua also pointed out that the Opposition had said it would be able to turn around the financial situation in the country. However, the Opposition failed to fulfill this when it took over some states.
“The performance in Kedah and Kelantan is not getting better, while Penang and Selangor are facing higher deficits than other states.”
In his speech, Chua, who is Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister, said since last month, 154 agro-based food industries had been certified with the Veterinary Health Mark (VHM), under the Veterinary Services Department.
“The ministry has always stressed on the importance of quality control. The VHM is a symbol of quality awarded to livestock product processing plants under the department’s Veterinary Inspection and Certification Programme,” he said.
JOHOR BARU: Pakatan Rakyat lacks unity and consistency because its leaders have been making contradictory statements on many issues, said MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
He gave as example when a DAP leader recently issued a statement about reducing the number of civil servants, it had been shot down by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and PAS.
Chua also said PAS was going ahead with its plan to implement hudud law in Kelantan even though the matter was not in its Buku Jingga.
“Anwar’s stand on the issue changes according to the scenario that can help fulfil his political aims.
“The Opposition is also against the idea of a salary increase for MPs.
“However, in Selangor, a decision was made to increase the allowance of its assemblymen,” he told reporters after attending De Luxe Circle (M) Sdn Bhd’s veterinary health mark ceremony here on Friday.
Chua also pointed out that the Opposition had said it would be able to turn around the financial situation in the country. However, the Opposition failed to fulfill this when it took over some states.
“The performance in Kedah and Kelantan is not getting better, while Penang and Selangor are facing higher deficits than other states.”
In his speech, Chua, who is Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister, said since last month, 154 agro-based food industries had been certified with the Veterinary Health Mark (VHM), under the Veterinary Services Department.
“The ministry has always stressed on the importance of quality control. The VHM is a symbol of quality awarded to livestock product processing plants under the department’s Veterinary Inspection and Certification Programme,” he said.
Anwar like a chameleon, says Tee Yong
The Star/Asia News Network
Friday, Nov 11, 2011
PETALING JAYA - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is a political chameleon who changes his stand when facing different crowds, said MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
Chua said the Opposition Leader had openly supported the implementation of hudud law in Kelantan in September but in November, he backpedalled to a Chinese crowd in Selangor by saying that hudud law was not part of Pakatan Rakyat's policy.
He said Anwar's backing of hudud law and for PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat was made only to cater to the large Muslim population.
"This is where we see his political chameleon ways' in full play. There is no sincerity in his words at all," Chua said in a statement yesterday.
To gain the support of the urban Chinese community and leaders of 65 Chinese associations and guilds at a function in Subang Jaya on Nov 8, Anwar had stated that Pakatan would not implement hudud law, Chua added.
He said that if PKR or DAP were genuine in ensuring that hudud law would not be enacted as a federal policy, Pakatan should spell it out clearly in its Buku Jingga or Orange Book.
"Such recourse is more so pertinent in view of PAS' backing for the Orange Book," he said.
Chua said Anwar and other PKR leaders had fervently denied Pakatan's plan to reduce the number of civil servants when it was revealed by DAP MP Tony Pua but they did not demonstrate the same enthusiasm in pushing back PAS' plan to implement hudud law in Kelantan, despite concerns and condemnation by Malaysians.
"This clearly shows the double-standard treatment by Anwar and the lack of courage by PKR to challenge PAS, even if it means putting the interest of non-Muslims at risk.
"What's more, should Pakatan come to power, there would be no guarantee that the implementation of hudud law nationwide could be stopped by either Anwar or DAP leaders," he said.
Friday, Nov 11, 2011
PETALING JAYA - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is a political chameleon who changes his stand when facing different crowds, said MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
Chua said the Opposition Leader had openly supported the implementation of hudud law in Kelantan in September but in November, he backpedalled to a Chinese crowd in Selangor by saying that hudud law was not part of Pakatan Rakyat's policy.
He said Anwar's backing of hudud law and for PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat was made only to cater to the large Muslim population.
"This is where we see his political chameleon ways' in full play. There is no sincerity in his words at all," Chua said in a statement yesterday.
To gain the support of the urban Chinese community and leaders of 65 Chinese associations and guilds at a function in Subang Jaya on Nov 8, Anwar had stated that Pakatan would not implement hudud law, Chua added.
He said that if PKR or DAP were genuine in ensuring that hudud law would not be enacted as a federal policy, Pakatan should spell it out clearly in its Buku Jingga or Orange Book.
"Such recourse is more so pertinent in view of PAS' backing for the Orange Book," he said.
Chua said Anwar and other PKR leaders had fervently denied Pakatan's plan to reduce the number of civil servants when it was revealed by DAP MP Tony Pua but they did not demonstrate the same enthusiasm in pushing back PAS' plan to implement hudud law in Kelantan, despite concerns and condemnation by Malaysians.
"This clearly shows the double-standard treatment by Anwar and the lack of courage by PKR to challenge PAS, even if it means putting the interest of non-Muslims at risk.
"What's more, should Pakatan come to power, there would be no guarantee that the implementation of hudud law nationwide could be stopped by either Anwar or DAP leaders," he said.
Created 11/11/2011 - 18:49
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tee Yong: PAS the real power behind Pakatan, not Anwar
PETALING JAYA: The statement by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be the prime minister if Pakatan Rakyat forms the next government is only a ploy, said MCA young professionals bureau chief Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
He said Anwar could not be the prime minister as facts had proven that PAS was the real leader in Pakatan and PKR did not have the final say on any issue.
“The most obvious example is when PAS insisted on implementing hudud law even though it is not listed in Pakatan's Buku Jingga or Orange Book,” Chua said yesterday.
“PAS is implementing Islamic policies in Kelantan and the other states under Pakatan, ignoring the common policy in Buku Jingga. This shows that Anwar cannot stop PAS.
“On the implementation of hudud, instead of agreeing and following the Buku Jingga, Anwar opted to follow PAS' stance.”
He said that even if Anwar became the prime minister, the real power would be held by PAS and Anwar would be unable to stop the implementation of hudud law and PAS' goal of setting up an Islamic state.
“Although Pakatan had earlier agreed to Anwar as its candidate for prime minister, when PAS claimed that its president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang was more suitable to hold that position, Pakatan members no longer bring the subject up,'' he added.
He said Anwar could not be the prime minister as facts had proven that PAS was the real leader in Pakatan and PKR did not have the final say on any issue.
“The most obvious example is when PAS insisted on implementing hudud law even though it is not listed in Pakatan's Buku Jingga or Orange Book,” Chua said yesterday.
“PAS is implementing Islamic policies in Kelantan and the other states under Pakatan, ignoring the common policy in Buku Jingga. This shows that Anwar cannot stop PAS.
“On the implementation of hudud, instead of agreeing and following the Buku Jingga, Anwar opted to follow PAS' stance.”
He said that even if Anwar became the prime minister, the real power would be held by PAS and Anwar would be unable to stop the implementation of hudud law and PAS' goal of setting up an Islamic state.
“Although Pakatan had earlier agreed to Anwar as its candidate for prime minister, when PAS claimed that its president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang was more suitable to hold that position, Pakatan members no longer bring the subject up,'' he added.
諷林冠英自說自爽 蔡智勇:伊斯蘭黨說了算
Monday, November 7, 2011
行动党大军要攻柔 蔡智勇不担心
2011-11-07 10:14
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Created 11/02/2011 - 08:39
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