LABIS: The Education Ministry and Labis MP Datuk Chua Tee Yong have approved RM70,000 to convert an old library in SRJK(C) Labis into four new classrooms.
With the additional classrooms, the school would apply for a single-session for next year.
Parents-Teachers Association chairman Richard Soh said the school has 29 classrooms and it needed more before qualifying to apply for a single-session.
Work in progress: (From left) Soh, school’s afternoon session supervisor Kea York Chuan, PTA deputy chairman Hee Kam Swee and school board chairman Tey Yee Pin inspecting the renovation works.
He said the classrooms would be ready before the school’s new session in January and was in the midst of writing a recommendation for a single-session to the Education Ministry.
“We have been waiting for this for years. Single-session is important for a holistic education, which allow students and teachers more time and space for academic and curricular activities,” Soh said.
The 94-year-old school has about 900 pupils from pre-school classes to Year Six.
The school’s board of governance chairman Tey Yee Pin said single-session would provide a more conducive environment for learning as the afternoons were humid and not suitable to have classes.
Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry deputy minister, pledged to help the school.
“Education Ministry has allocated RM20,000 and we will help the school raise the remaining fund needed for renovation,” he told reporters after presenting financial donations to 22 schools and non-governmental organisations here
Chua said a total of RM109,500 from his constituency allocation was given out to schools and NGOs.
“We hope to help them to reduce some burden,” he said.
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