Thursday, June 28, 2012


1. 雪州大臣卡立力挺政治秘书法伊卡发出支持信予雪州官联公司的做法,没有违规一事,显示雪州大臣的言行不一,并违反雪州政府於20108月发出的通令,即所有行政议员、州议员和县市议员停止发出支持信予工程、供应和服务性质的合约。

2. 在同年7月发生的“巴生市议员鄭文福,冒用行政议员刘天球的信箋和印章发出支持信”事件上,刘天球共发出17封支持信,其中7 封推荐的承包商成功取得总值马币逾70万元的工程。雪州政府当时的态度十分坚决,采取行动開除鄭文福的市议员职,但如今雪州大臣卡立却二度为政治秘书法伊卡护航,甚至承认本身也发出“类似信函”。本人要质问雪州政府,是否在发出支持信的事件上,持有双重标准,即行动党领袖不可以发出支持信,而公正党领袖就可以这么做?

3. 民联向来只懂得歌功颂德,但却对盟党的腐败事件选择视而不见,更试图模糊焦点及转移话题。在大臣政治秘书法伊卡发出支持信一事,行动党领袖皆选择“睁一只眼,闭一只眼”,没有表明立场,依然保持双唇紧闭。试问,向来强调清廉良政的行动党,如何看待上述支持信的事件?

 4. 本人促请雪州大臣卡立,深入调查此事,并向人民清楚交代整件事情的来龙去脉,而不只是说‘有关信件不是支持信,所以法伊卡没有违规’,就可以敷衍了事。人民有绝对的知情权,若雪州政府无法做出合理的解释,其公信力肯定深受质疑。

5. 如果连雪州大臣的办公室也不遵守雪州政府发出的通令,那么其他行政议员、州议员和县市议员又怎会将其通令视为一项指示?此次的“支持信风波”,民联似乎再次违背了给予选民的承诺,甚至欺骗选民。而民联一直强调的“清廉、透明化、负责任”,是否只沦为一种政治口号?

Dare Pakatan insert development of Chinese education into the Buku Jingga?

I challenge PKR leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PAS spiritual leader Dato’ Seri Nik Aziz and PAS President Dato’ Seri Hadi Awang to repeat and agree on what DAP’s Anthony Loke has said, as he claimed that the tripartite Opposition pact had an agreement to open a Chinese independent school in any state or place if there is demand should Pakatan wrest Putrajaya in the 13th general elections.

If this “announcement” is NOT officially made by Anwar, Nik Aziz or Hadi Awang, we will not believe that it is an agreement or consensus reached by the three parties in Pakatan.

If this consensus is indeed reached by the three Pakatan parties, it should be precisely listed in theirBuku Jingga as proof that Pakatan places high priority on the issue whilst demonstrating that this is not another empty promise for the Chinese. Why didn’t Pakatan list it in the Buku Jingga previously and only talk about it now? Apparently, it is just to gain support and votes each time there is a general election.

The PAS-led state government spent RM 330 million to construct Kolej Universiti Insaniah (KUIN)’s campus but failed to allocate land for any Chinese primary school.

No sound from PAS and PKR on opening a new Chinese independent school

I pose to Antony Loke: If there really is such a consensus on education, how come neither PAS nor PKR has released any statement to that effect? Particularly, why has not PKR ketua umum Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim who is trying to curry Chinese votes released any statement regarding Pakatan opening up any new Chinese independent schools? Doubts linger as to where Antony Loke’s comment is none other than a personal opinion.

 Strangely, when MCA leaders urged Pakatan to clarify whether or not the Chinese School policy is listed in theBuku Jingga, Anwar replied that MCA should ask PM on this issue. Anwar was obviously avoiding the question and finding a way to re-direct the conversation to another topic. TheBuku Jingga does not insert any clause to guarantee that funding will be allocated to Chinese primary schools nor recognize the Unified Examinations Certificate.

DAP has done nothing for education development

DAP consistently claims to emphasize Chinese education and to address educational issues. Yet the Rocket omitted listing Chinese education into the Buku Jingga, let alone any mention of establishing a new Chinese independent school.

Till now, we have not seen DAP or PR working to improve education, whereas, MCA has made significant contributions to education covering every aspect. Our party established KTAR, UTAR and Institute Kojadi which has produced an excess of 200,000 talented and skilled workers.

PKR adopts of policy of self praise but never bothers to pay attention to the wrongdoings by its own members. In the afore-mentioned case, DAP opted to play ignorance. We wish to know DAP’s real position on this matter.

I urge Khalid to conduct an in depth investigation so as to give the people a clear explanation. He cannot simply condone Faekah’s issuance of support letter as the Selangor government will lose its creditability and trust completely.

In view that the Menteri Besar himself is unable to abide by its earlier state directive, how are the Excos, state assemblymen, municipal and district councillors expected to follow suit? Once again, the Selangor state administration has broken on its promise of “competency, accountability and transparency.” Perhaps, these nice sounding descriptions are none other than an empty slogan?

陆兆福宣布将开办独中 蔡智勇挑战列入橙皮书

(吉隆坡26日讯) 马华青年专才局主任拿督蔡智勇今日挑战民联表示,民联执政后,将开办独中,同时无条件承认独中统考文凭的协议,列入橙皮书内,而不是由领袖们自己单方面在台上自吹自擂,自己讲自己爽。






Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Animal welfare law must be fair to all, says Tee Yong

KUALA LUMPUR: Any legislation on animal welfare must be acceptable to all, said Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong.

Speaking at a consultation session between his ministry and animal welfare bodies, Chua said any proposed change must also be suitable.

“As we know, members of the public have differing views pertaining to animal welfare,” he said.

The consultation session, held to discuss provisions under the proposed Animal Welfare Bill, was attended by animal welfare organisations from all over the country.

Later, Chua told reporters that his ministry hoped to get feedback from both members of the public and industry players.

“This is because the Bill will affect everyone. It will not only be in relation to pets but to livestock breeding and the animal-related industry as a whole,” he said.

He said the ministry had conferred thrice with the Attorney-General's Chambers to conduct public consultation, with each period lasting two weeks.

On some local councils still resorting to shooting stray dogs despite the Veterinary Services Department's guidelines prohibiting the act, Chua said: “The problem is that these are only guidelines and not enforceable under any Act.”

The proposed legislation, he added, would prohibit the shooting of animals for the purpose of culling except during emergency situations.

The Government, said Chua, would also be formulating the National Strategic Plan for Animal Welfare by the end of the year.

He said the plan would oversee the development of the country's animal welfare for a period of eight years to bring this in line with that of developed nations.

During the event, the department also launched its Animal Welfare Draft Bill website to gauge public opinion on the proposed legislation.

The website can be accessed at

Animal welfare legislation will be accepted to all parties


Created 06/17/2012 - 10:37


农业部拟制定动物福利法案 禁用枪械射杀猫狗

Created 06/19/2012 - 18:25


Friday, June 15, 2012

Upgrade works in Labis

Apr 19, 2012

This is for you: Chua (right) presenting 1Rumah 1Kit, the vegetable growing kit, to residents at Labis village committee building last Sunday.

LABIS: The government has allocated RM500,000 to upgrade roads and install streetlights at various housing areas here.

Labis MP Datuk Chua Tee Yong said road works would be carried at eight residential areas in the district.

This covers Taman Sri Aman, Taman Nanga, Taman Sri Emas, Jalan Tun Razak, Taman Budar Jaya, Taman Sinar Emas, Taman Suria and Perumahan Awam Jalan Muar.

Within the scope of the project, some 20 lamp posts would be installed at Taman Orkid and Taman Sejati.

Chua said the road works would cost RM300,000 while allocation for streetlights were at RM200,000.

“The residents in the affected areas needed streetlights because at present, their roads are dimly-lit.

“Installation of the lamp posts will begin this month,” he said at the presentation of the 1Rumah 1Kit to some 100 families in the town centre here recently.

Chua added that he would ask village heads to monitor the road upgrading works as a means to ensure the job is carried out well.

On the 1Rumah 1Kit, Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-based Industry deputy minister, said more than 5,500 kits comprising garden tools, fertilizer, vegetable seeds and a guide book on how to grow plants were given out since last year.

The programme, which was initiated by Chua, was aimed to help reduce household expenses by inculcating the farming habit as well as to reduce carbon foot print.

RM300,000 for upgrading drainage in Chaah

May 28, 2012

LABIS: The government has allocated RM300,000 to upgrade drainage in a new village and Taman Muhibbah in Chaah, said Labis MP Chua Tee Yong.

He visited the project sites recently and said that part of the drainage at Lorong Yunus in the new village was old and needed upgrading.

The drainage around the public field in Taman Muhibbah were damaged and shallow and have to be repaired and rebuilt, he said.

In a separate development, Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-based Industry deputy minister, said the Housing and Local Government Ministry has approved RM80,000 to restore the traffic lights at Taman Damai.

The traffic lights became faulty after it was hit by a vehicle in December last year.

Tenang folk to get their first ATM

Site visit: Chua (in orange) visiting the site of the ATM project near the Tenang police station recently.

LABIS: Maybank is set to become the first financial institution to have an automated teller machine (ATM) in a police station.

Labis MP Datuk Chua Tee Yong said a tender was issued for construction of a building at the corner of Tenang police station.

“The installation of the ATM should be completed by July.

“The ATM will be extremely helpful in helping people to save a trip to the nearest bank in Labis or Segamat, located about 20 minutes from here,” he said after visit the ATM project site here recently.

Chua, who is Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister, said the installation of the ATM, costing between RM60,000 and RM100,000, was part of Maybank’s corporate social responsibility.

He said it was not safe for people to travel to the banks to withdraw money, especially at night.

“We hope everyone will appreciate the bank’s effort and help protect the ATM from being vandalised,” he said.

Chua hoped the new ATM would help to improve businesses near the Tenang police station as the people could withdraw money and spend it in Tenang.

Resident S. Perumal, a 46-year-old supervisor at a private company here said he welcomed the cash dispenser.

“There are many factories that use bank payroll services and because of this we have to travel to Labis town which is more than 12km away to withdraw money,” he said.

Another resident P. Mayandi, 49, said Tenang residents had been waiting for ATM service for a long time.

“Many of us have to take a bus to Labis town because we do not have our own vehicles. A lot of time is wasted on the journey,” he said.

Another resident Lam Heng Leng, 73, said the move was good news for residents of Tenang station.

“I have to drive to Segamat town just to withdraw money and it takes me about 25 minutes to get to the bank if traffic is heavy,” he said.

Export of frozen durians to China set to spike

Wednesday June 13, 2012

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia’s export of frozen durians to China is set to double this year, said Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong.

Ever since Malaysia’s frozen durians – minus the thorny shell – entered the Chinese market last year, they have been a hit with consumers, he said at the ministry here.

Chua, who is a big fan of the fruit himself, added that durians from Malaysia were favoured over those from Thailand due to the better aroma, taste and flavour.

“The projected export of frozen durians from Malaysia to China is between 350 tonnes and 500 tonnes a year for the next three years.

“This is against the 150 tonnes, valued at RM11mil, between May and December last year,” Chua said, adding that this amount was processed from 600 tonnes of fresh fruits and just 0.002% of the 313,000 tonnes of durians worth RM1.4bil produced last year.

“While the export of frozen du­ri­ans is expected to grow rapidl­y, the ministry will seek approval from the Chinese authorities to also sell them fresh durians,” he said, adding that Malaysia had the facilities and technology to export fresh durians.

Chua added that the rising export of durians would not affect prices in the local market as they represented a very small percentage of the production.

Nonetheless, he said the hectarage for durian plantation would be expanded following a high probability of assured growth for frozen durians.

“The market for Malaysian durians in China is at its infancy stage and marketing efforts will be directed towards developing and enhancing consumer acceptance,” he said of the vast market potential in China with a population of more than 1.3 billion.

Last year, Malaysia exported fresh durians worth an estimated RM18.5mil to Singapore, against RM15.4mil in 2010.

蔡智勇:果農菜農申請外勞 冀內政部2月內批准

03/06/2012 23:32













蔡智勇:大受歡迎 出口中國榴槤料倍增

13/06/2012 22:30







Created 06/15/2012 - 10:49


Thursday, June 14, 2012








Dong Zong must not jump to conclusions based on one letter

I urge Dong Zong to not hurl accusations and jump into conclusions at the spur of the moment based on a mere letter by a Ministry of Education official subsequently obliterate all MCA’s past contributions towards the Chinese education in Malaysia.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Datuk Dr Ir Wee Ka Siong had already provided a clear explanation on this matter and had once again denied the existence of such a deal undertaken by MCA. Our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the then Minister of Education had also confirmed Dr Wee’s remarks, reiterating that an agreement which would constrict Chinese primary schools and Chinese Independent schools development was never made.

What leaves me pondering is that Dong Zong questioned the collected data and documents on teacher shortage issues but now throws its absolute trust in this ambiguous letter. Is Dong Zong biased and practising double standards?

Since this incident erupted, MCA has conducted a thorough investigation. Our findings conclude that BN leaders and MCA who were involved in the 1995 Education Bill did not strike such a deal.

MCA’s efforts for UEC holders yield results

MCA had diligently made consistent efforts to strive for Chinese education and will always be committed in preserving its continuity and growth. Our efforts are seen by the public as they have not come undone.

We succeeded in achieving new heights for UEC education as UEC holders are now eligible to apply for the PTPTN loan. As of 2010, 50 excellent UEC top-scorers are also annually awarded with unconditional grants to further their studies overseas while UEC students are also permitted entry into teacher training colleges. Dong Zong’s claim that we neglect our Chinese education is absolutely invalid.

I hope, Dong Zong will soon provide concrete proof rather than merely using a letter from a Ministry official as evidence. As one of the influential groups in Chinese education affairs, Dong Zong must be cautious and not tarnish the good reputation it has built for years.

Datuk Chua Tee Yong

MCA Young Professionals Bureau Chief

Member of Parliament for Labis

Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister

Sunday, June 10, 2012

動物福利法案通過後 嚴禁射擊野狗













Saturday, June 9, 2012

Inhumane act’ may be banned

PUTRAJAYA: Shooting of stray dogs and other animals will be banned if the proposed Animal Welfare Bill is passed with all the suggestions intact.

Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Deputy Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong said shooting was “an inhumane act” and there had been too many complaints over the mistreatment of stray dogs.

“Generally, the ministry does not condone nor support such acts,” he said. “However, there is a need to include a clause in the Bill for exceptions, such as in an emergency or for disease control,” he said in an interview.

Banning the shooting of animals is one of several proposals under the Bill, which Chua described as “a stepping stone to strengthen the welfare and protection of animals”.

He said the ministry would hold an Open Day on June 19 at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang to gather feedback from the public, NGOs and other stakeholders on how best to improve the Bill.

“Aside from imposing fines and jail terms for offences related to animal welfare, we are also looking into introducing deterrent measures in the Bill,” he said.

“These include disqualifying a person from keeping pets to prevent the offence from being repeated.”

Chua said the Bill would cover all animals, including domesticated pets, livestock and zoo animals.

“Part of the Bill also outlines the responsibility of pet owners. This is subject to debate and as such, we welcome suggestions from the public at the Open Day,” he said.

So as to have a closer working relationship with the public on the issue, Chua said the Bill would also allow people to assist the ministry's officers in eradicating animal cruelty.

“They will not have the same powers and jurisdiction as the officers but they can keep an eye on behalf of the ministry,” he said.

Chua said the Bill would be ready for tabling only after obtaining clarification from the Attorney-General's Chambers.

“However, while waiting for the Bill to be ready, the existing Animal Act 1953 will be amended to impose heavier penalties for animal cruelty,” he said, adding that the ministry hoped to table these changes this year.

Soon, those found guilty could be fined up to RM50,000, a year's jail term, or both. Currently, the maximum fine is RM200, a jail term of not more than six months, or both.

Source: The Star

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Speak up Guan Eng, on Anwar’s proposal to axe PTPTN loan repayments

I challenge Lim Guan Eng to speak up against Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s recent antics of encouraging PTPTN loan recipients to not repay their debts as well as his promise to scrap the PTPTN loan. Such a move will spiral the nation into bankruptcy.

The DAP Secretary General must clarify his stance regarding Anwar’s proposal to shelve the PTPTN loan. Is this declaration made by Anwar an official announcement of Pakatan’s future plans or is it a mere personal stand of Anwar’s? Lim Guan Eng must inform the public on DAP’s stance on this matter.

In the past, Lim Guan Eng and his DAP cronies were often ‘bullied’ by their Pakatan allies as their opinions were called ‘personal opinions’ which do not represent the Opposition coalition’s collective view. Now, Anwar has made such irresponsible remarks - will Lim Guan Eng muster the courage to publicly oppose Anwar, and claim that ‘Anwar’s urge to not repay loans’ does not reflect the Rocket’s stance?

Anwar’s remarks a populist measure

This is not the first time Anwar made such outrageous comments. Previously, he promised to lower petrol prices. Now, his promise of removing the PTPTN loan is merely another populist measure to take over Putrajaya, which was not uttered under with scrutiny nor considerable thought.

Pakatan leaders also did not clarify on alternative policies to be implemented response to the lowering of petrol prices and the abolition of the North-South Expressway and the PTPTN loan scheme.

It is necessary of Anwar to give a detailed account of the whole implementation and abolition process to ensure accountability for these policies and not just utter verbal promises.

To fish for votes ….

Pakatan has made many remarks to instigate public hatred to fish for votes in light of the forthcoming General Elections. To appeal to the younger voters, Anwar resorted to urging them to refuse repaying their loans. In his desperation for power, Anwar displays ridiculous behaviour.

The shameful thing is, all these promises were made by a former Minister of Finance. The whole objective of the establishment of the PTPTN loan fund is to aid needy students who cannot afford tuition fee and living expenses during their tertiary years.

This loan scheme has proven to be a success as many students applied for this scheme in pursuit of their studies. Besides that, top-scorer students are exempted from repaying as the loan is converted into a scholarship while students with average results are not charged with any additional fees. It is a fairly reasonable scheme.

Anwar however is inciting the students to break the law while Lim Guan Eng is turning a blind eye towards this matter.

Anwar, as the Selangor economic advisor should walk the talk, and start by lowering the assessment tax by 20% in Selangor as he promised. Compared to the other impractical commitments he pledged, this promise looks more easily to be achieved.

Datuk Chua Tee Yong

MCA Youth Professionals Bureau Chairman

Member of Parliament for Labis

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industries









MB: Images of idols not allowed

Sunday May 27, 2012

KOTA BARU: PAS appears to make a small consensus following the controversy on designs of new buildings but insist there be no image of idols.

The Kelantan government would allow buildings to be constructed without any Islamic feature so long they did not have elements that were against the religion, said Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Mat.

“Islam is a universal religion and suitable for all races. The Buddhist association can build it (its new building) as long as it does not have elements that go against Islam.

For instance, they can have any Chinese design, architecture or colour, but they are discouraged from putting images of idols on the buildings,” he said after launching the state Muktamar Dewan Ulama PAS in Machang yesterday.

He was commenting on a controversy involving the Kelantan Buddhist Association, which was required to abide by municipal by-laws requiring new buildings within its jurisdiction to have Islamic features.

It had been reported that the Kelantan Buddhist Association had submitted an appeal to the state government for its building to be constructed with Chinese features at Jalan Sultan Zainal Abidin here.

Nik Abdul Aziz, who is also PAS spiritual leader, said the state government had no problem with the Chinese community and highlighted that they had built the Golden Jubilee Mosque, better known as the Chinese Mosque, which was inspired from his visit to Beijing.

The mosque was created 100% based on Chinese design and architecture. Previously, many Chinese groups had also approached me to seek approval to build Chinese-themed buildings and I approved them,” he added.

On a statement by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that “unceasing violent demonstration” might erupt if Pakatan Rakyat loses in the coming general election, Nik Abdul Aziz said such incidents would not occur as the Opposition did not promote political violence.

We have lost in many general elections and it (violence) has never happened,” he said.

In LABIS, MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief Datuk Chua Tee Yongsaid the state government should focus on the basic needs of the people such as clean piped water supply instead of emphasising on non-welfare related matters.

He also challenged DAP to make its stand clear on PAS’ new ruling

School receives aid to upgrade premise

Friday June 1, 2012


LABIS: A Chinese primary school here in Chaah would receive RM100,000 to upgrade its infrastructure and fund its educational activities.

Labis MP Datuk Chua Tee Yong said the SJK (C) Chaah needed the fund to renovate its school hall, basketball court and other facilities to provide a better environment for its pupils.

He added that the funds were from his Parliamentary allocation as well as donations from the MCA and members of the public.

I hope this will provide a more conducive environment for pupils here,” he said at the launch of the school’s diabolo camp here recently.

Chua, who is also Agriculture and Agro-based Industry deputy minister, said the fund would be issued in stages as it came from different parties.

He added that the SJK (C) Chaah is not the only Chinese school in Labis under the care of the government.

Two other schools, the SJK (C) Tenang in Pekan Air Panas and SJK (C) Bekok also benefited from the allocations.

In a separate development, Chua said the Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society Malaysia had set up a recycling centre in Bekok new village to help encourage recycling among the villagers.

He said the collection centre had began its operations in April to collect recyclable items.

I hope villagers will participant by involving in home recycling to protect the earth,” he said after visiting the centre recently.

He added that villagers could sort out their waste at home and bring the recyclable waste to the Tzu-Chi recycling centre.

Chua added that Malaysia produces average of 22 tonnes of waste everyday and 50% of the waste are mainly discarded foodstuff.

He added that recycling would help reduce the amount of garbage and raw material needed for various productions.

Chua said there are at least 10 volunteers working at the recycling centre and the money collected from the recyclable waste would be donated to charity.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Malaysians urged to keep house plants with health benefits

INDOOR green plants are more than decorations because many of them also have the power to make a difference to our quality of life.

From clearing cigarette smoke to repelling mosquitoes, houseplants such as peace lilies and geranium are set to feature more
prominently in Malaysian houses soon.

Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong, who was captivated by the plants during a visit to the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Develop-ment Institute (Mardi) in Serdang recently, said plans were afoot to raise public awareness on such plants so more people could enjoy the benefits.

Repels mosquitoes: Chua taking a whiff of a geranium plant. With him is Mardi horticulture research centre director Tengku Ab Malik Tengku Maamun (left).
“They are also beautiful and easy to maintain. All them of them have different uses and strengths,” he said, citing peace lilies which help to clear the air of cigarette smoke as an example.
For people who are allergic to dust in the air, Chua suggested that they plant bamboo palms at home because it could reduce irritation caused by air pollution.

“One can also trade their mosquito coil or spray for geranium plants which have the ability to ward off mosquitoes,” he added.
Chua said geranium plants could also double as an insect repellent when placed on balconies of apartments or condominiums.

Meanwhile, Mardi director-general Datuk Dr Abd Shukor Abd Rahman said these plants, costing between RM5 and RM10, were God’s gifts.

Instant demo: A Mardi staff member demonstrating how the peace lily plant is able to clear the air of cigarette smoke, at the Mardi headquarters in Serdang.

He said some of the plants originated from tropical rainforests but had long been planted as decorative plants in local households.

“Mardi is trying to identify the active compound in these plants which enable them to have these special abilities.

“If we can process the compound, we can create products for commercial use,” he said.

The following are some of the indoor plants and their uses.

Peace Lily

Peace lily has the ability to purify indoor air from tobacco smoke and trading it for fresh oxygen. The plant also gets rid of toxic gases such as formaldehyde found in paint, and benzene, which is found in cigarette smoke. With its dark green leaves and spade-shaped white flowers, it is also a beautiful plant that adds a fresh touch to home surroundings. Peace lilies thrive in shady areas and needs to be watered about once a week. Keeping several peace lily plants at home can help reduce stuffiness in the air.


With the citrus smell of its leaves, the geranium plant has the very practical and useful ability to repel mosquitoes. It is suitable to be placed in bedrooms and gives off a slight fragrance in the air. While it can be kept indoors, the plant needs to be brought out for some sunshine every two to three days. The plant takes about two months to grow from seed to a mature plant.

Aloe Vera

Perhaps more well known than other houseplants, the aloe vera is believed to have healing properties and can be used to treat wounds. This succulent plant is also able to clear the air from toxic gases like formaldehyde and benzene. Commercially, aloe vera gel is processed into facial products, yogurt, beverages and some desserts.

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen plant has the ability to filter various toxic gases such as ammonia, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene. It is easily maintained and does not require much sunlight. This leafy plant grows from 20cm to 150cm in height. It is a popular ornamental plant seen in shopping malls, hotels and offices as it is easy to grow.

Spider Plant

With its leaves stretching out like spider legs, this plant is helpful in purifying the air and reduces indoor air pollution. It clears the air from pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. This plant thrives easily but grows best at temperatures between 18°C and 32°C.

Source: The Star