Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lim Guan Eng would do anything to hold onto his position, says Chua Tee Yong

Press Statement by MCA Central Committee Member, YB Datuk Chua Tee Yong on Lim Guan Eng’s threat to resign should hudud be implemented

It does not matter whether or not Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng continues to hold on to his official position, but it must be clear whether or not his party, DAP, will continue to work together with Pakatan Rakyat and PAS for the coming General Elections.

The Chief Minister had claimed that should Pakatan’s Buku Jingga have the implementation of hudud laws as part of its policy, he will immediately resign from his party position. However, the party post is elected by the party and not by the people.

Guan Eng will undoubtedly try to hold on to his official position, but what the public wants to know is whether DAP will continue its alliance in Pakatan, as despite claims that they are looking after the people, they are instead helping canvass votes for PAS candidates in the coming General Elections.

Whether hudud laws appear in the Buku Jingga or not is irrelevant, as even if it is not part of Pakatan’s policy, PAS will still seek to implement their goal of an Islamic state regardless of what DAP may think or feel about it.

To me, Guan Eng has said that he will resign from his party post as he wants to be free from this difficult position. But I cannot help but wonder should Guan Eng resign, will DAP still continue the Pakatan alliance, which is nothing but a show as there is still no solution from Pakatan regarding the issue of implementing hudud laws due to the differences of each Pakatan party.

Both the supreme leaders of PAS and PKR, Dato’ Seri Nik Aziz and Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, have agreed to the implementation of hudud before this, but they continue to be evasive on the matter as they do not wish to chase DAP away in order to continue keeping their Chinese supporters. However, they continue to implement hudud laws subversively onto a multi-ethnic and multi-religious community.

Pakatan governs four states, and PAS has been promoting hudud laws quietly, such as banning alcoholic drinks for Muslims as well as preventing non-Muslims selling alcohol, banning Western concerts, forcing non-Muslims businessmen in Kedah to stop operations during Muslim prayer times in the month of Ramadan, and increasing the housing quota of Bumiputras to 70% in Kedah. These are examples which shows that DAP is powerless in the Pakatan Rakyat alliance.

Therefore, Guan Eng’s speech is merely a ploy, as their real purpose is for their own political interests, and in order to continue to remain in office, they have eventually become allies to the Islamic agenda of PAS.

 YB Datuk Chua Tee Yong
MCA Young Professionals Bureau Chief
Member of Parliament for Labis
10th October 2011

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