As well-known species of Raub’s durian possesses great potential in exportation, the Government was hence concerned about the supplies chain of durians and FAMA will arrange its Chinese officers to explain the details of exportation through a series of dialogue session held with farmers.
The deputy minister for Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Chua Tee Yong visited Sg Kran and the farmers on Aug 15 whereby problems faced by local farmers were recorded. Nine days after the dialogue session, FAMA officer Mohammad Fauzi came to visit the head of village of SG Ruan, Sg Ji Liu and Sg Chalek.
Although the species of durians in Raub was good in quality and being one of the most welcomed delicacy of its durian lovers, farmers recorded to participate in durian exportation programme are recorded low according to the statistic.
As Raub is one of the main supplier of durian in the country, FAMA will pay second visit to Raub on September 30 so as to ensure local durian farmers will not miss or to participate in enjoying the benefit in exportation. The coming seminar will be conducted in Mandarin and officer will explain the procedures of exportation, such as the frozen facility food processed technology, the application of SALM and Good Manufacture Practice (GMP), document sigining and transportation etc.
The seminar will be held at the Raub district hall, beside these three villages, the authority will also invite the other main durian plantation farmers such as Dulai, Sg Chedang, SangLee and Sg Cheroh.
The farmers’ view:
(Xie Feng Ying, farmer)
We hope that our durian can export to China, although the Government announced exportation policy for quite sometimes, we don’t know how to start as lacking of information.
We are happy FAMA can arrange a briefing mainly for Chinese farmers.
(Lai Wei Ping, farmer)
Farmers should grasp the chance to apply for SALM for participation in durian exportation
SALM certificate is an important recognition, and also the quality assurance of durians.
Based on the limited info we have, we do not know how to begin, hence we felt happy with the arrangement.
(Lee Yong, farmer)
As a durian planter, of course I hope can export durians to foreign countries, especially China, the country has a huge market.
(Lian Yue Yuan,member of district council)
She appreciates and describes decision made by YB Chua is wise one, as experience officers have come to the villages, helping them to resolve problems.
“We hope local farmers can join and benefited in the exportation project, unfortunately, due to the language problem and lacking of relevant information, leading to a less ideal figure of participation drawn.”
Caption:After nine day of dialogue session held, deputy minister of MOA Chua Tee Yong receiving applause from Sg Ruan , Sg Cheroh, Sg Chalek villagers leaders over the explaination of durian.