Friday, December 11, 2009
此外,部门通过原住民事务局,在Kampung Juasseh的65.15公顷土地和Kampung Segamat Kecil 的48.56公顷土地,进行橡胶业小园主发展局(RISDA)的油棕种植,共有55人参与。
该局也与柔佛教育基金(Yayasan Pelajaran Johor Plantation)合作,进行一项名为“重新收集计划”的土地发展计划,这项占地1千505亩的油棕种植计划涵盖拉美士国会选区的5个原住民村,受惠者达188人。
Tuan Chua Tee Yong [Labis] minta Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar Dan Wilayah menyatakan sejauh mana dasar dan program kerajaan untuk memajukan Orang Asli telah membawa manfaat kepada Orang Asli di kawasan Parlimen Labis.
Seperti mana Yang Berhormat sedia maklum bahawa Kerajaan telah memperuntukkan bajet pembangunan sejumlah RM377.3 juta di dalam RMK9 kepada Jabatan hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA) melalui Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah. Peruntukan tersebut bertujuan untuk pelaksanaan pelbagai program/ aktiviti pembangunan ke arah meningkatkan pendapatan, kesejahteraan dan kualiti hidup masyarakat Orang Asli.
Menerusi peruntukan RMK9 tersebut sehingga kini sejumlah RM403,824.00 telah diagihkan untuk projek dan program pembangunan masyarakat Orang Asli bagi Parlimen Labis. Menerusi peruntukan tersebut, pelbagai manfaat diterima merangkumi pembinaan rumah menerusi Program Bantuan Rumah (PBR), membaik pulih kemudahan prasarana dan pelaksanaan program-program pembangunan minda dan sikap.
Selain daripada itu, Kementerian menerusi JHEOA juga telah membangunkan kawasan seluas 65.15 hektar di Kampung Juasseh dan 48.56 hektar di Kampung Segamat Kecil dengan tanaman kelapa sawit yang dilaksanakan oleh RISDA melibatkan 55 peserta. JHEOA juga telah melaksanakan projek pembangunan tanah secara bersepadu menerusi Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula (RPS) dengan kerjasama Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ) Plantation merangkumi lima buah perkampungan Orang Asli di kawasan Parlimen Labis, dengan tanaman kelapa sawit di kawasan seluas 1,505 ekar yang memberi manfaat kepada 188 peserta.
Friday, December 4, 2009
消费税攻克影子经济 GST capturing the ‘shadow’ economy
In Malaysia only 6.5% of its population pays tax which is approximately 1.8million people or 15% of the working population. But is it possible that there are only so little people subject to income tax when properties, cars and luxury goods sales in Malaysia has been enjoying good takeup rates all these years. Just imagine if there is only 1.8million people that is subject to tax, who are the buyers of the majority condominium and residential properties ranging above RM1million that is usually snap up or luxury cars like Mercedes, bmw and Porsche. The argument that the high end residential properties are purchased mainly by foreigners is not valid as foreign buyers account for less than 10% of the purchases transacted in the market.
Thus it is not possible that there are only 1.8million people that have the income to pay taxes. GST will result in a one-off inflation but if the Government is able to revamp the distribution of subsidies equitably, and basic necessities are tax exempt the benefits of GST should be seriously considered. The fact that there is a small base of tax payers but a huge purchasing capacity indicates the ineffectiveness of income tax and the existent of the shadow economy which some people thrive on. Thus, GST by virtue being a consumption based tax would enable the Government to capture the shadow economy for the benefit of the rakyat as most of these people would probably indulge in luxury goods or big ticket items which would be subjected to GST. Similarly for corruption, GST would enable the Government to recover a portion of the ill gotten gains through taxes. I am not advocating corruption but it is better than not collecting a single sen. For instance if what is said by the media that yearly approximately RM20billion is siphoned out is true at least RM800million can be recovered. It is a paltry sum but better than not capturing anything as it is likely that these perpetrators are not paying any income tax.
In addition some SME and business people through some tax minimisation scheme is able to reduce their tax payable but it is unlikely for them to reduce their consumption. Most countries that implement GST initially do suffer a slow growth or negative growth when they just implement GST, but subsequently as consumer adjust to the new pricing the demand will return. This means it will increase the number tax payers. There are some parties that recommend we tax the AP that are issued, and I agree it is a good source of revenue but as AP will be phased out in 2015, we should not wait until this happens to at least kick start the mechanism of the GST. Better yet, do both concurrently.
Ultimately, if the Government is able to mitigate the effect of GST especially for the 32% of the population that has income below RM2,000 per month and revamp the distribution of the subsidies to be more equitable, implementing of GST does have its merits.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
去年3至9月人數激增 逾30萬國人移民
蔡智勇:任期将届满 华裔福利官未获续聘通知
Saturday, November 28, 2009
征收消费税肯定将导致我国面临一次性通胀率(once-off inflation)。因此,政府所设定的18个月期限有点仓促。我国经济正置复苏初阶段,4%的消费税会否会对国内消费市场、人民负担到来冲击,及影响企业的资金流动?除了必需品如米、糖、食油和面粉外,政府必须谨慎鉴定其他豁免此税的领域或物品。我国的汽车目前已高幅度征税,再征收消费税而没有抵税措施将为人民带来不必要的负担。同样的,在房产领域,消费税会否让许多首次置业的人民百上加斤?这些是财政部必须正视的。
1) 配合政治承诺,成立指导监督委员会
2) 检讨津贴分配制
目前,政府也为低收入群体提供了多项津贴和援助措施,以减轻他们的经济负担。然而,这些锁定受援者并没有直接受惠。例如,政府每年拨款7. 2亿万令吉津贴白米,可惜仍无法确保穷人受惠。
3) 制定简单税制,以避免增加遵则成本(compliance cost)
4) 商业教育及公众教育
adapted from
NOV 28 — The government has recently announced that there will be tabling of first reading of the draft GST at the end of the December 2009 parliament session.
During the debate on the motion to support the budget for 2010 I mentioned briefly the need for the government to start the ball rolling on the implementation of GST to diversify the revenue base of the country and also to put in place a tax structure to see the country into the future.
Why is GST attractive and implemented in most countries like Singapore, Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand?
Basically, a value-added tax like GST is a tax on consumption, and not on income, hence the tax system inherently encourages savings and investments instead of consumption.
The tax also has a self-policing mechanism that discourages evasion, unlike in a sales tax system or an income tax system where it would be relatively easier to scheme to evade taxes. Studies have also shown that GST also captures part of the ‘shadow’ economy.
In spite of the benefits I have stressed in the budget that it is pivotal and essential that any implementation of GST should not be done in haste and any timeline suggested and targeted should take into account the current taxation framework, custom duties, sales tax or any direct or indirect tax existing in the country to avoid multiple taxation that will burden the rakyat.
Various countries that embark on GST also known as value added tax have undertaken taxation reforms but it is important note that no two economies are exactly alike.
Even the initial GST rate introduced, the type of exemptions and also the time of the economic cycle (i.e. whether the economy is in recession or strong growth) varies from countries to countries.
For example;
Canada implemented a broad based GST in 1991 at a rate of 7 per cent. The Canadian economy was in recession at the time the GST was introduced.
Japan introduced a general consumption tax from 1989 at a rate of 3 per cent. There were limited exemptions and the economy was experiencing strong growth coupled with falling unemployment.
New Zealand introduced GST in 1986 at a rate of 10 per cent. When the GST was introduced in New Zealand, economic growth was weak and uneven, inflationary pressure was high.
Singapore introduced a GST in 1994 at a single low rate of 3 per cent and economic activity in Singapore at that was quite buoyant.
As such, I support the government effort to start the draft on GST, to obtain feedback, response and also to plan for the implementation of the GST.
GST implementation will definitely result in a once-off increased in inflation thus the indicated 18 months target date seems to be too fast. At a time when the economy is just in its initial stage of recovery, a hasty implemented GST would severely impact the economy, burden the rakyat, cause confusion and affect cashflow of business. A GST rate of 4 percent has been indicated as a probable GST rate.
In my opinion, the rate of 4 per cent is lower than the existing sales tax but pending the list of exemptions, potential tax cuts and also grants that will be given to the lower income group to enable to sustain their living it would be difficult to assess the reasonableness of the rate.
Besides key concerns on whether daily basic necessities, cars and residential houses would be subjected to GST needs to be addressed. Cars in Malaysia are highly taxed and additional GST without offset would burden the rakyat unnecessarily. Likewise in terms of housing, most Malaysian are still trying to cope to acquire their first homes, thus GST is unwelcome news to them.
Thus it is recommended that when determining the rate of GST the government should not target for a substantial positive GST return compared to rebate and offset provided. This is crucial to avoid inflationary pressure that are already diminishing the purchasing power capacity of lower income families and also affecting most middle income families.
By adopting a lower rate and subsequently adjusting it when the economic situation is better it would not add unnecessary pressure to the rakyat. This is because the subsidies distribution method is still in the midst of revamping and would be crucial to mitigate the impact of the GST.
We may feel that we are ready for GST as Malaysia’s poverty rate is low. However, the reason for low poverty rate in Malaysia is because the income level per month used to determine the poverty is only RM720 in peninsular Malaysia. As such, after the GST implementation the income level used to assess poverty needs to be reassessed due to the inflationary impact.
In addition in Malaysia 38 per cent of the 5.6 million household in Malaysia has an income level of less than RM2000 a month. This shows that while GST can still be implemented the impact on 2.12million household needs to be weighed carefully as food and transport represent a high portion of their expenditure from their monthly income.
It is likely that even though a rate of 4 per cent increase in GST is introduced food prices or goods of basic necessities might increase higher than 4 per cent. Look at the instances when the subsidised price of sugar or flour prices increase, the corresponding food prices like the tarik or roti canai is substantially higher.
As such prior to the implementation the government would need to ensure the existing committee or ministry involved in the monitoring of the price of goods and service needs to be beefed up with necessary manpower and authority to avoid heavy profiteering by unscrupulous traders. If not, any implementation of GST would likely result in increase of prices of goods and services more than expected.
Nevertheless before implementing the GST, the following needs to be considered;
Setting a steering committee with the necessary political commitment
Implementation of GST is a massive tax initiative that warrants a steering committee for the following reasons:
To study the impact of GST to the people to identify and resolve operational problems to highlight the Ministry of Finance’s major concerns regarding the business community to prepare the business community for compliance to oversee the public education programme.
The job of implementation of the GST should not be limited to the Ministry of Finance. The Steering Committee should also be represented by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, SME Department, the Department of Customs and Excise and etc.
Strong political commitment is required to ensure that departments cooperate and to ensure a buy-in to make the GST successful. Without strong political backing it would difficult to get the necessary resources to assemble a steering committee with the necessary authority to carried out and monitor the implementation. Feedback from tax experts and business leader is also important to enable better preparation before the roll out of the GST.
Revamp the distribution of subsidy system and providing offset
There are various subsidies, allowances, and also benefits given to the lower income group to help alleviate the burden of the rakyat. However most of these subsidies do not reach the target group for e.g. RM720million is spent yearly on rice subsidy but sadly the poor still could not get the hands on the required quantity of rice. The government’s current initiative to use the list of names from e-kasih to distribute the rice subsidy had to be postponed as majority of those verified as requiring assistance by the Welfare department was not included.
A massive exercise is needed to revamp the e-kasih system which is plagued by red tape. e.g. the form is 24 pages and the approval process is long. It is vital to have just one database that can be used by all departments to determine the people requiring assistance. A proper system to reach out directly to those in need of assistance would enable the government to help mitigate the impact of GST.
Several offsetting measures should also be introduced to assist the rakyat to adjust to the new tax regime for example a) a cut in corporate and personal income tax b) probable cut in excise duty or import duty c) increase in public assistance by increasing the threshold of income for those to be eligible to receive the direct subsidy assistance d) increase in pensioners pay e) lower excise duty for cars.
A Simple Tax System to reduce compliance cost
GST systems with multiple rates and multiple exemptions would result in confusion by both the authorities and the public. This will likely result in countless and unnecessary disputes with the businesses on the scope of tax. Multiple rates and exemptions also pose higher compliance burden on the businesses. A complex system with multiple rates could potentially lead to more abuses. Thus a single flat rate should be considered.
Meanwhile to assist SME, the government in implementing GST should ensure only SME generating a certain level of income is subject to GST. This is because not all SME have the necessary accounting or record keeping system and staff force to ensure compliance with GST. Requiring all business to register for GST would complicate the implementation.
Thus, it would be more business friendly and efficient if a high threshold is determined (e.g. businesses with turnover of RM2million and above) or low target base (e.g approximately 30 per cent of the business in Malaysia) to compulsorily register for GST. This ensures that only large businesses which should already have the necessary resources are only required to be subjected to GST.
By implementing this small retailers, neighbourhood shops and hawkers are probably exempted from registration which indirectly helps mitigate the impact of GST on the lower income groups.
Business Education and Public Communication
The implementation of the tax must be supported by a massive communication exercise to engage the business community and the general public. The authorities must be ready to organise numerous dialogue sessions, seminar, and classes on the GST.
For example dialogue sessions with trade organisation or business should be focused particular to the line of business. These dialogue sessions would enable the government to get input from the businesses regarding how the GST would fit into the actual operations of particular lines of business. This is crucial to help to fine-tune the GST in order to prevent the GST system from becoming unnecessarily complicated and affecting business adversely.
Brochures and pamphlets should be available for distribution while media and even direct mail to potential tax payers could be used to enable the public to be aware of the GST and it details.
Before implementation, field visits to selected companies are also important to assess the readiness of the business. Likewise toll free help line should also be setup to provide advise people throughout the implementation of the GST.
In addition, it important that talk programs are held at the community level through the elected representatives, community leaders and even at the grassroots level. This is to dispel any misunderstanding of the reasons why GST was being introduced. The focus should be on communicating the rationale for GST, tax offsets for GST and the exemptions if applicable.
In summary, as the details of the GST is still currently sketchy , I believe that what is essential is that the government needs to ensure that the GST is business friendly and that the necessary subsidy distribution framework is ready before the GST is implemented. The initial rate should also be acceptable and would not create a huge hike in inflation on top of the yearly CPI during the period of uncertainty. Likewise appropriate support structures to facilitate SME are also important to avoid any confusion resulting in non-compliance as SME represent 99% of the businesses in Malaysia and employs 50 per cent of the workforce.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
蔡智勇:截至10月27日 拉美士寻找计划192人受惠
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
参与2010年财政预算案辩论 Perbahasan Bajet 2010 saya di Dewan Rakyat
最近,为了帮助低收入群,农业及农基工业部将在今年杪实行白米固本制度。根据了解,农业部会根据e-kasih名单来发固本,多达20万户家庭将可以持固本购买ST15 白米。
政府在刺激经济配套下宣布会增加人民亲善房屋(Rumah Mesra Rakyat)。这项计划是好的,不过我希望当局可以改善传递系统,因为连领取表格也太难了!我目前才拿到5份表格,再次申请更多表格后已经等了好几个月,都没有下文。
政府在这项预算案下声明,销售税的研究工作正进入尾声。实行销售税可以提高国家收入,要知道石油收入是不可能永久维持下去的,而且惠誉国际评级(Fitch rating)在数月前已降低令吉的评级。
如此一来,销售税将涵盖“影子经济”(shadow economy),因为所有商业将在销售税下注册,以申领扣除额。所有,如果销售税制度有系统进行,税率也不会太高的话,就可以增加国家收入,稳定国家经济。
2010年财政预算案是第九大马计划最后一个预算案,不过对奠定新经济模式的基础,和作为第十大马计划的开始来说,这是一个重要的预算案。我国在1970年至1987年,我国的人均收入每年以8.9% 成长,从1千零70令吉成长至4千537令吉,而1987年至2008年间,人均收入每年提高8.9%, 从4千537令吉增至2万5千784令吉。
如果经济成长率在未来10年达不到至少8%,将拖慢我国达到先进国目标的脚步。要达到先进国目标,我国必须迈向高收入国家。根据世界银行最新的指标,高收入经济的定义里,国民个人总收入(Gross National Income, GNI)要达到1万2千美元(大概4万2千240令吉)才是高收入国家,到2020年,这个标准会提高到1万7千美元(大概5万9千840令吉)。
因为受到世界经济放缓的影响,我国今年的经济成长率预料是负3%,2010年的经济成长率也不会很高, 这会导致我国人均收入从2万5千784令吉降低至2万4千零55令吉。同时期,我国人民购买力会从1万5千美元降至1万2千826美元。
Terima kasih kepada YBhg Tan Sri kerana memberi saya peluang untuk turut membahas dalam belanjawan 2010. Kita tahu bahawa badget ini diumumkan di dalam keadaan yang tidak begitu positive disebabkan kemelesetan ekonomi dunia yang menyebabkan eksport kita menurun, pendapatan Negara menurun dan KDNK juga negative.
Memandangkan ia merupakan masa mencabar, kerajaan memang prihatian dan YAB PM patut diberi pujian kerana dapat menyampaikan badget yang boleh dikatakan mesra rakyat. Malah pelepasan cukai dinaikkan dariada RM8,000 kepada RM9,000 dan kadar cukai persendirian dikurangkan 1 mata peratusan daripada 27% kepada 26% dan pelbagai insentif dan peruntukkan diberi untuk memacu Negara ke arah ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi.
Saya hanya mempunyai beberapa pekara yang saya ingin bangkitkan.
Bajet ini mempunyai pelbagai usaha untuk tujuan meningkatkan kesejahterakan rakyat. Saya ingin bercadang untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan rakyat secara lebih efektif kerajaan harus mengkaji secara menyeluruh untuk mengimplementasi gaji minima.
Dengan perlaksanaan tangga gaji yang minimum, Malaysia dapat mengurangkan pengangguran dan akan menarik minat golongan-golongan muda untuk menyumbang tenaga kepada Negara dan seterusnya tindakan ini juga dapat mengurangkan pergantungan ke atas tenaga pekerja asing.
Akan tetapi terdapat mereka yang berpendapat seperti Persekutuan Majikan-majikan Malaysia (MEF), bahawa dasar gaji minima akan menjadikan Malaysia sebuah Negara yang memerlukan kos yang tinggi untuk menjalankan perniagan dan dengan itu, kurang kompetitif mengakibatkan jumlah pelabur asing yang ingin membuat pelaburan di Malaysia akan berkurangan. Tetapi ini hanya akan berlaku sekiranya gaji minimum diperkenalkan tanpa mengira industry dan pada kadar yang sama.
Pada peringkat permulaan, Malaysia boleh mengambil satu dasar gaji minimum berdasarkan keadaan sektor atau jenis pekerjaan. Faktor yang boleh diambil untuk pertimbangan dalam menentukan gaji minimum termasuk sosial dan ekonomi seperti kos sara hidup, lokasi geografi dan tinjauan ekonomi sektor. Sementara itu, mod pelaksanaan itu boleh ditentukan oleh Kerajaan sama ada melalui perundangan, perjanjian kontrak bersama Ahli Kesatuan Kerja union/wakil pekerja atau perjanjian pihak ketiga yang mewakili perniagaan, pekerja dan badan-badan Kerajaan.
Dengan melaksanakan satu dasar gaji minimum ia akan menjana satu perubahan dalam model ekonomi kerana kesan dalam peningkatan kos. Peningkatan dalam kos perniagaan akan menyebabkan pengeluar-pengeluar atau majikan-majikan cuba menyesuaikan, menginovasi, mengubah prosedur-prosedur atau melabur dalam meningkatkan produktiviti dan kecekapan bagi mengimbangi kos operasi yang semakin meningkat. Majikan-majikan juga sanggup melabur dalam teknologi dan menyediakan latihan untuk memperoleh lebih nilai daripada pekerja-pekerja mereka. Gaji minimum yang munasabah pasti akan memberi satu impak yang positif kepada pekerja-pekerja agar mereka akan berusaha lebih gigih terhadap pekerjaan seterusnya meningkatkan tahap produktiviti. Dengan penglibatan lebih banyak orang tempatan ia juga dapat mengurangkan sikap kebergantungan kepada tenaga kerja asing.
Perubahan sikap pekerja-pekerja bersama dengan latihan dan pelaburan teknologi, akan membantu meningkat produktiviti, quality output dan kemahiran pekerja. Peningkatan mutu pekerja serta kemahiran tentu akan menarik pelabur asing untuk melabur di negara kita.
Dasar gaji minimum juga akan membolehkan satu anggaran gaji minimum mengikut jam ditubuhkan. Dengan mengadakan upah yang minimum mengikut jam juga, konsep kerja separuh masa atau waktu kerja flexible boleh dilaksanakan. Konsep kerja sambilan juga harus digalakkan supaya lebih ramai rakyat Malaysia mempunyai pekerjaan dan selain itu, dapat menyumbang kepada ekonomi terutama kepada golongan belia dan wanita. Seperkara lagi, ramai wanita yang terlatih yang pernah meninggalkan kerjaya mereka dahulu demi menjaga keluarga-keluarga/rumahtangga mendapat galakkan dan peluang untuk bekerja semula mengikut keadaan dan waktu kerja yang bersesuaian. Ini akan membuatkan mereka lebih bebas dan negara juga akan kurang bergantung kepada tenaga kerja asing.
Hasil dari perlaksanaan dasar upah minimum, pekerja-pekerja adalah lebih yakin dan mempunyai jaminan mengenai amaun pulang gaji, maka mereka bolehlah membuat bajet untuk belanjawan setiap bulan. Pengurangan tenaga pekerja asing dengan peningkatan pekerja-pekerja tempatan memberi satu kesan yang besar. Bayangkan sekiranya 3 juta tenaga pekerja asing digantikan dengan pekerja-pekerja tempatan, ini akan mengurangkan pengangguran dan menurunkan kadar remittance ke luar negara yang kian meningkat sehingga mencapai RM18billion pada tahun 2008. Pekerja-pekerja tempatan akan membelanjakan pendapatan mereka di sini dan ini akan merangsankan ekonomi tempatan.
Oleh yang demikian, masanya telah tiba untuk Kerajaan menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa dasar gaji minimum dengan wakil-wakil daripada pihak kerajaan dan sektor-sektor swasta dengan tujuan memastikan gaji pekerja-pekerja reflektif mengikut ekonomi semasa. Kewujudan satu dasar upah minimum akan banyak membantu rakyat, menjana muhibah, merangsang ekonomi dan membantu Malaysia dalam menggerakkan daripada satu industri asas kos yang rendah kepada model ekonomi tinggi.
Di samping itu, di badget ini kerajaan telah mengumukan langkah untuk terus memberi subsidi untuk barang keperluan asas dan juga petrol dan menstruktur semula subsidi agar ia lebih adil dan dapat menolong golongan yang dituju. Ini adalah langkah yang baik dan saya berharap dengan pengstrukturan subsidi, perbelanjaan kerajaan dapat dikurangkan agar wang yang dijimatkan dapat disalurkan kepada sektor yang memerlukan bantuan seperti sector pengangkutan. Cara menjalankan sistem pengedaran subsidi akan melihat kegunaan mykad dengan lebih intensif. Baru-baru in Untuk memanfaatkan golongan berpendapatan rendah, Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani akan melaksanakan sistem kupon Beras pada hujung tahun ini. Saya difahamkan Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani akan menggunakan senarai penerima e-kasih sebagai penerima kuopon beras dan sebanyak 200 ribu keluarga akan menerima kupon beras untuk mendapatkan beras ST15.
Sebagaimana yang kita tahu, pemberian kupon ini adalah untuk menggantikan sistem pemberian subsidi beras kepada pengilang dan pemborong beras yang membelanjakan RM60 juta sebulan atau RM720 juta setahun. Walaupun begitu banyak subsidi diberi, golongan yang dituju masih tidak mendapat subsidi beras. Sistem koupon beras mungkin adalah cara yang boleh digunakan untuk mengurangkan masalah penyalahgunaan atau pembaziran subsidi beras.
Tetapi, dalam penentuan penerima koupon beras atau sebarang subsidi, selain dari mengikut system e-kasih, kerajaan patut merangkumi mereka yang telah diluluskan melalui program cari atau sebarang program yang mengesahkan mereka adalah berpendatan rendah perlu diberi pertolongan yang sewajarnya. Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Komuniti, Kementerian Pertanian dan juga jabatan-jabatan negara patut bekerjasama supaya senarai yang lebih lengkap dan jangan ada yang tercicir atau tertinggal.
Masalahnya menolong mereka yang dibawah garis panduan kemiskinan sahaja adalah tidak mencukupi. Sebanyak 498,0000 keluarga mempunyai pendapatan kurang daripada RM1 ribu sebulan dan mereka juga wajar diberi subsidi kerana pada masa ini RM1,000 adalah sukar untuk mereka menampung sebuah keluarga yang mempunyai anak 2 atau 3 jika subsidi tidak diberi.
Dari segi pembekalan kerajaan perlu memastikan pembekalan beras adalah mencukupi kepada pengedar dan kedai runcit di selurush pelusuk Negara untuk mengelakkan kemungkinan timbul masalah “ada kuopon tapi tiada beras. Saya juga berharap kerajaan akan memastikan peruncit yang menerima kuopon beras boleh mendapat bayaran secepat mungkin untuk mengelakan masalah tunggu-menunggu dan akhirnya menyebabkan peruncit tidak menerima koupon apabila menjual beras ST15.
Koupon-koupun ini juga harus tidak senang ditiru dan kalau hilang apa mekanisme untuk mendapat balik koupun beras. Kerajaan perlu memastikan sistem penyampaian yang efisyen dan jika melalui pos dan hilang bagaimanakah penerima tahu kerana mereka akan menunggu dan ini akan meyebabkan pelbagai kesukaran. Lebih banyak safety feature perlu ada pada koupun untuk mengelak penyelewangan atau sindiket dari menyalahgunakan koupun untuk mangaut keuntungan. Sistem untuk memantau agar penerima betul-betul menerima koupun ini juga penting dan jika yang tertinggal bagaimanakah mereka dapat dimasukkan kedalam senarai untuk mendapat bantuan. Semua process ini harus ringkas, cepat dan tidak dibelungui karenah birokrasi.
Jika sistem kupon beras adalah berkesan, kerajaan harus melaksanakan sistem ini ke atas barangan keperluan harian lain seperti gula, minyak masak, tepung dan lain-lain untuk memastikan subsidi kerajaan memanfaatkan golongan yang memerlukan bantuan.
Untuk pengstrukturan minyak petrol dan diesel yang akan dilancarkan, ia menunjuk bahawa kerajaan sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat kerana selama ini harga minyak pam dikekalkan serendah boleh untuk mengurangkan kos kehidupan rakyat. Adalah penting bahawa kita tidak seharusnya sentiasa mengharapkan kerajaan mengguna kebanyakkan keuntungan petronas hanya untuk subsidi kerana ini tentu akan menjejaskan masa depan Petronas yang merupakan penjana pendapatan negara yang penting.
Kerajaan di dalam pakej rangsangan ekonomi telah mengumumkan tujuan untuk meningkatkan bilangan rumah mesra rakyat. Meningkatkan pemilikan rumah dengan membantu dalam pembinaan rumah merupakan satu program yang disambut baik dan prihatian. Akan tetapi dari system penyampaian saya berharap ia dapat diperbaiki kerana untuk mendapat borang permohonan juga menjadi satu pekara yang rumit. Sudah berbulan-bulan saya menunggu borang tapi sehingga sekarang hanya mendapat borang sebanyak 5 keping sahaja.
Kita tahu bahawa negara kita dalam bajet deficit dan untuk tahun 2010 defisit yang dianggarkan adalah 5.4%. Salah satu cara untuk mengurang deficit adalah meningkat pendapatan atau mengurangkan perbelanjaan. Walaupun pendapatan kerajaan dianggar turun sebanyak 8.4% untuk tahun 2010, sasaran untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan adalah sebanyak 13.7%. Saya berharap pengurangan perbelanjaan dapat dicapai agar deficit kita terkawal. Baru-baru ini kerajaan juga telah menubuhkan jawatankuasa petugas khas untuk memastikan sistem penyampaian lebih berkesan pada masa depan dan untuk mengelak masalah yang tertara di Laporan Audit Negara tidak berulang lagi.
Laporan Audit Negara harus dilihat secara positif sebagai usaha untuk mengemas kini sistem penyampaian dan laporan ini juga jelas menunjukkan kerajaan adalah telus dan tidak menyembunyi sebarang kesalahan.
Di bajet ini kerajaan juga telah mengumumkan bahawa mereka dalam peringkat akhir kajian perlaksanaan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST). Perlaksanaan GST adalah perlu untuk meningkat pendapatan negara dan memandang bahawa sumber pendapatan negara dari minyak tidak mungkin berterusan selama-lamanya. Selain into baru beberapa bulan dahulu Fitch ratings telah menurun rating mata wang ringgit.
Jika GST dilancarkan ia tidak harus membebankan golongan berpendapatan rendah. GST sebenarnya adalah cukai yang berasakan consumption. Ini bermakna kita hanya perlu bayar cukai setiap kali kita membeli barang atau perkhidmatan. Maka apa yang penting apabila GST dilancarkan adalah kerajaan perlu memastikan GST yang diperkenalkan adalah ‘equitable’ dimana kebanyakkan cukai akan ditanggung oleh mereka yang mampu sahaja.
Terdapat pelbagai system GSTseperti di Canada dan Singapore GST kredit yang boleh ditukar kepada wang diberi kepada golongan berpendapatan yang rendah, di Australia terdapat kebanyakkan barang keperluan asas tidak dikenakan GST jika ia tidak diproses seperti ayam yang belum dipotong, roti, buah-buahan yang tidak dipotong dan sebagainya. Mungkin nilai barang seperti kereta dibawah RM50,000 tidak dikenakan GST atau rumah murah di bawah RM250,000. Sistem GST adalah complex dan tidak harus diperkenalkan dan dilaksanakan dengan terburu-buru. Perlu terdapat system untuk membolehkan pembekal mendapat kredit untuk barang yang dibayar GST agar GST tidak melipat ganda setiap kali terdapat transksasi dan juga pendaftaran perniagaan GST untuk memantau GST yang dibayar serta kredit yang dituntut.
Dengan ini, GST dapat merangkumi dengan lebih lengkap ‘ekonomi bayang’ atau shadow economy kerana setiap perniagaan akan berdaftar di bawah GST supaya dapat menuntut balik kredit untuk GST yang dibayar semasa membeli barang. Oleh itu, jika GST dilaksanakan dengan sistematik dan kadarnya adalah tidak terlalu tinggi maka ia akan meningkatkan hasil kutipan kerajaan dan memperkukuhkan keadaan kewangan negara.
Bajet 2010 merupakan bajet terakhir untuk rancangan Malaysia kesembilan, tetapi ianya amat penting sebagai asas pembentukan model ekonomi baru dan sebagai permulaan kepada Rancangan Malaysia ke-10. Kalau kita imbas kembali dari segi pendapatan kasar negara perkapita dari tahun 1970 dan 1987, pendapatan kasar negara per kapita tumbuh pesat pada 8.9% setiap tahun daripada RM1,070 kepada RM4,537 manakala sepanjang tempoh di antara 1987 dan 2008, pendapatan negara kasar per kapita meningkat 8.6% setiap tahun daripada RM4,537 kepada RM25,784.
Jika kita ingin menjadi negara maju menjelang 2020, pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia mesti mencapai kadar pertumbuhan tahunan sekurangnya-kurangnya 8 peratus dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang akan datang.
Pertumbuhan yang kurang daripada tahunan 8% akan melewatkan pencapaian matlamat Wawasan 2020. Untuk mencapai matlamat negara maju, negara kita harus ke arah ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi. Menurut piawaian Bank Dunia, pencapaian Pendapatan Negara Kasar (GNI) sehingga AS$12,000 (hampir RM 42,240) barulah dikategorikan sebagai ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi. Manakala piawaian ini akan dinaikkan hingga AS$17,000 (hampir RM59,840) menjelang tahun 2020.
Akan tetapi, Pendapatan Negara Kasar (GNI) Negara kita setakat ini hanya mencapai AS$7,000 (hampir RM24,640) dan menduduki tempat ke-85 di dunia.
Disebabkan krisis global, negara kita menghadapi kemerosotan ekonomi, yang menyebabkan kadar pertumbuhan negative untuk tahun 2009 dan kadar pertumbuhan yang minima untuk tahun 2010. Ini menyebabkan pendapatan negara kasar per kapita kita dari tahun 2008 hingga 2009 turun dari RM25,784 ke RM24,055. Malah purchasing power parity juga turun dari US15,040 ke US12,826 pada masa yang sama.
Sekarang kita berada di tempoh kritikal pembangunan ekonomi, dan perlu mengkaji semula system ekonomi untuk beranjak kepada satu bentuk model ekonomi baru. Kita tidak boleh terlalu bergantung kepada eksport perindustrian atau eksport komoditi untuk meningkat pendapatan perkapita negara. Ditambah pula, syarikat-syarikat beroperasi di Malaysia terlalu bergantung kepada buruh asing murah dan kurang mahir, terutama sekali dalam pembuatan dan sektor-sektor perkhidmatan. Syarikat-syarikat swasta masih keberatan untuk menginovasikan dan melabur dalam teknologi jimat buruh dan teknik-teknik pengeluaran baru. Syarat-syarat ini juga telah menyebabkan ekonomi kita terperangkap di pertengahan bagi menjana pendapatan.
Kita perlu memikirkan dimana ekonomi dapat mengatasi kebuntuan ini dengan mengkaji semula pertumbuhan model kita dengan mengambil satu langkah bagi membantu menggandakan pendapatan per kapita di sektor pembangunan dan menyertai pangkat-pangkat bagi ekonomi-ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi. Teori-teori pertumbuhan baru-baru ini merujuk kepada keterbukaan, pertandingan, perubahan dan inovasi maka strategi-strategi pertumbuhan di bawah model ekonomi baru itu mesti mengambil perhatian pandangan ini kerana dunia kini lebih terbuka dan bersepadu.
Oleh itu, YAB Perdana Menteri telah memperkenalkan beberapa langkah penting yang menunjukkan beliau ingin mentransformasikan Malaysia kearah negara maju. Konsep Gagasan satu Malaysia, rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan, diperkenalkan dan juga liberalisasi 27 sub sector perkhidmatan dan kewangan, Melaksanakan NRA dan KPI, memansuhkan FIC dan penubuhan EKUINAS, menunjuk bahawa kerajaan serius untuk menangani cabaran pada masa kini. Dengan ini saya mohon menyokong badget 2010.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
蔡智勇:加速迈向高收入国 政府应推行最低薪制
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
根据我的了解,主办当局特别准备了三种不同的免费身体检查,让大家进行高血压、糖尿病和子宫抹片(cervical smear)检查,在这里我要赞扬主办当局举办这项活动,提醒大家要预防胜于治疗,关心自己的健康。
数据显示, 全国76.1%的捐血是在流动捐血运动收集到的。所以,流动捐血运动是收集血的重要管道,应该多多举办。
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
针对受惠者投诉不能每个月如期获得援助金的问题,他说,根据福利局的解释, 福利局会在过后补发有关款项。
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009


而且,根据一项调查,在2040年的时候,我国超过65岁的人口,会比2008年高出整整269% !
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rumah Mesra Rakyat
Saya harap maklumat seperti berikut akan membantu saudara-saudari lebih memahami program Rumah Mesra Rakyat, seperti cara pembiayaan, reka bentuk dan lain-lain:
Sila hubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan saya pada talian 07-9254153 jika memerlukan maklumat lanjut.
在"人民房屋计划" (Rumah Mesra Rakyat)下,没有能力拥有本身房屋,但是拥有适合建造房屋土地的低收入群,可以向国家房屋公司申请人民房屋。
Monday, August 17, 2009
Teaching of Maths and Science in English extended to 2014
This news is definitely a relief for parents and students especially those that will be in the secondary school in 2012. Before this announcement I have heard numerous concerns and valid comments on the predicament faced by students stuck in transition period. I have advised these people to provide their feedback to the Ministry of Education through the official website or number. Purpose is to enable the Ministry to obtain direct feedback from the stakeholder.
By extending the period to 2014, it will enable the Secondary students to complete the crucial years of secondary school in the language that they have started with. Imagine the unnecessary stress and time required by the student to accustom back to Bahasa Malaysia. This is more so when a student is faced with the public exam SPM whereby its results holds the key to their future.
‘The cabinet’s decision on this was to allay concerns by parents fearing that their children would be adversely affected by the policy reversion.’
This shows that there is action taken based on the feedback received and the effort of the parents are not in vain. Recently the Parents teacher association (PTA) in a school in Hartamas has decided to do a poll on whether English should be used to teach maths and science. The teachers and parents were prevented from conducting this peaceful poll in the school compound. This has caught the attention of the Deputy Prime Minister which has also subsequently apologised for the actions of his officers.
It is a positive step that the Ministry allows PTA to conduct its own survey. Even though the turnout rate is not high, the survey shows that there are still parents that are concern on the effect of the policy. Maybe to get a better gauge on response of all parents and teachers, all PTA’s around Malaysia should carry out its polls to determine if teachers and parents are supportive of the move to reverse the policy. The polls should be transparent, free from interference and all parents/teachers must be provided with sufficient notice and be allowed to vote. I believe that the results from the poll will present a clearer situation on whether teachers and parents either in rural or urban prefer the teaching of Maths and Science in English, Bahasa Malaysia or in the respective mother tongue.
One of the reasons for the reversal of the policy is that there is a lack of sufficient manpower and resources to continue with the policy of using English as the medium for English and maths. If I am not mistaken, there are only 8% of teachers that are really proficient and confident in teaching Maths and Science in English. Meanwhile, the remaining teachers are having problems using English to teach the subjects. Thus it is argued that continuing with the policy may also not be in the best interest of the students.
Furthermore, the initial intention to use English was to improve the command of the English language but that has so far not yielded much positive results. This is expected as no efforts has been undertaken to introduce a proper teaching structure for English (i.e. grammar & literature). At the moment the English subject is being taught as communicative English.
However, the concern still persists for those students who will be faced with the problem of studying English at the start and ending with Bahasa Malaysia. Subsequently in university they would most likely have to switch back to English. It would have been better that all those who start in English completes in English. It may cause some inconvenience to the Ministry but the government should not cause inconvenience or confusion to the students as they are at the receiving end and have not had the chance to voice the agreement or disagreement when the policy was first implemented. Anyway the bulk of the financial resources and materials are still available and it would not pose too much problem to allow the entire batch of student to complete before the Bahasa Malaysia policy is implemented.
Using Bahasa Malaysia as a medium of instruction should only be carried out on a new batch of year one students from 2012 onwards.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Malaysia the HUB
The extent of activities has attracted the attention of United States to do a sting operation on a Malaysian, Mr Anson Wong who was apprehended and sentenced to prison. Can you imagine how lucrative and big the value of this illicit trade is? Apparently the trading and smuggling of wildlife/animal parts is second only to drug trafficking. The Interpol estimates that illegal wildlife trade worldwide is worth RM35bil to RM70bil a year as reported in the media. That is even more than what Petronas gives the government back yearly and at RM70bil it is half of Malaysia’s estimated revenue for 2009!!!
Why is wildlife smuggling and trade so rampant and Malaysia is considered a hub? One of the main reasons is that Malaysia has multiple transit points and is located at a strategic location in Southeast Asia. This is clear as there have been numerous cases of seizure on wildlife or animal parts since 2006 and the value are in millions. Those seized only represent a tip of the iceberg. The problem is compounded by the fact that there is a lack of resources in Wildlife department to enable effective enforcement or monitoring. From pangolian, tigers parts to even Indian star tortoises the list is extensive on the wildlife intercepted in Malaysia.
They say when the buying stops the supply chain will naturally also cease. But it is also equally important to curb supplies through education and punishment. The existing law in Malaysia is known as the toothless tiger and has been a major setback in serving as a warning to the culprits. There has been no amendment in the present law in terms of offence and penalty since 1988 and I would not be surprised if the definition of wildlife or endangered species is also incomplete.
It is reported a few months ago that a new law would be proposed to replace the Protection of Wildlife Act 1972. A new law is long overdue and I hope that it could be tabled in parliament as soon as possible. I would strongly support the amendments especially if heavy penalties are provided and more offences are included. I hope that the proposed amendments or law will be strongly supported by both BN and the opposition to enable the Wildlife department to have more bite. For example, under the current act the maximum fine is not more than RM15,000 maximum regardless of the number of wildlife being trafficked. In addition the court is reluctant to put the culprits behind bars. In 2006 a poacher caught was only given a slight slap on the hand with a fine of RM7,000 when the value of his chopped up tiger is valued at USD50,000 and no jail sentence was meted.
Now if I am the poacher, I would pay the fine willingly and then after that it would be business as usual. Based on what is reported in the media, the new proposed act can carry a maximum fine of RM500,000 for offences committed in possession of a most endangered wild animal without permit. In addition there are a few new provisions that I believe would help the authorities in curbing the wildlife trade and prevent Malaysia from being a hub in the future, whereby importing any totally protected wildlife without permit is an offence.
Even though there is a new proposed law with stiffer penalties, unless the court is willing to sentence the culprit with maximum penalty and jail terms, the proposed law will just be good in paper. Furthermore, it is also important that enough resources are allocated to enable the new proposed law to be fully enforced to avoid Malaysia being under the spotlight for the wrong reasons again. Furthermore there should also be clear guidelines, regulations and control over the issuance of wildlife permits to avoid abuse or loopholes. The moment a more strict and encompassing law is passed, automatically permits would be more valuable and the temptation of some to allow the trade to continue must not happen.
We cannot afford another Anson Wong in Malaysia. He has changed based on the media report and I wish the rest of the poachers will spare a thought for the crimes they have committed for they are also depriving their future generation as the animal they kill maybe the last.
Monday, August 10, 2009
这一年多来, 我除了拨出款项提高拉美士的设备,我也协助华小和华团的发展。同时,我也会监督这些发展的进展和民生问题。
Thursday, July 30, 2009
虽然目前政府补贴的ST15 白米每月生产4万公吨,而根据农业部的统计,消费人每月只需要大概3万2千公吨的ST15白米,不应该还有短缺的问题,不过市面上还是有人投诉这种白米的供应不够。
如果固本措施可以解决问题, 政府也应该考虑扩大到其它日常用品, 例如白糖、食油、面粉等,确保这些日常用品的政府补贴真正让有需要的人受惠。
可是,因为目前全国大概有498万人的家庭收入每月少过1千令吉,我希望当局在审查名单时要关注这点。此外,政府也应该确保“寻找计划”(Projek Cari)的受惠者也拿到固本。
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
除了教育, 首相拿督斯里纳吉上任一百天时,也宣布了日后施政的6 个关键领域,而排在第一的就是防范罪案。
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Insentif Pengeluaran Hasil Tanaman
Pelaksanaan Insentif Tanaman Di Bawah Dasar Jaminan Bekalan Makanan
Tujuan pemberian insentif adalah untuk:
1. Meringankan bebanan pengusaha berikutan kenaikan kos pengeluaran.
2. Menggalakkan peningkatan pengeluaran tanaman makanan (Buah-buahan dan Sayur-sayuran).
Kadar Insentif Tanaman
Kadar insentif yang dipersetujui seperti berikut:
1. Sayur-sayuran dan tanaman kontan - RM 81.00 metrik/tan
2. Buah-buahan - RM 78.00 metrik/tan
Syarat-Syarat Kelayakan Insentif
· Warganegara Malaysia.
· Pengusaha Individu, Syarikat dan Institusi.
· Mengusahakan tanah sendiri, disewa, dipajak atau lain-lain status tanah yang diluluskan oleh Pihak Berkuasa berkaitan.
· Mempunyai Rekod Ladang.
· Berdaftar di bawah Jabatan Pertanian Semenanjung,Jabatan Pertanian Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan, Jabatan Pertanian Sabah dan Sarawak. Pemberian insentif hanya layak diberi berdasarkan kepada permohonan dengan menggunakan borang pendaftaran yang khusus.
Jenis-Jenis Tanaman
Insentif akan diberikan berdasar kepada pengeluaran hasil yang dijual sahaja. Jenis-jenis tanaman yang akan diberi insentif seperti berikut:
Sayur-sayuran dan tanaman kontan
Brassica (sawi)
Kacang buncis
Kacang panjang
Labu manis
Ubi kayu
Jagung manis
Duku/Duku Langsat
Semua pengusaha yang layak perlu berdaftar dengan Jabatan Pertanian di Pejabat Pertanian yang paling hampir dengan ladang/kebun pengusaha dengan menggunakan Borang Pendaftaran yang disediakan dalam laman web Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia:
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nationalisation of toll operators not viable?
In addition, the acquisition will enable the Government to vary the toll hike instead of facing this dilemma every three years. A hike of nearly 10% every three years may seem to be in line with the CPI index, however as the highway is a vital social infrastructure it should not be generating huge profit via compensation from the Government. I am positive that the consumer will agree to a toll hike if PLUS is not making huge profits and the toll hike is necessary for the maintenance of the highway or repayment of loans.
Some may argue that since Khazanah is the majority shareholder therefore any compensation given to PLUS will flow to Khazanah and back to Government. I do not have the data to support whether most of the yearly dividend from Khazanah to the Government is from PLUS or that PLUS profit is used to subsidize other loss making operation of Khazanah. Furthermore in the recent Mini Budget, Khazanah receives additional RM10Billion for its investment purposes.
The total compensation from 2003 to 2008 is RM2.837 billion. The possible cumulative toll compensation from 2009 to 2038 will amount to RM21 billion (RM730million x 29 years) and this excludes profit from operation of the business.
As such the comments by the Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia Sdn Bhd (BPA) Chief Executive Officer Meor Amri Meor Ayob may not be reflecting the true scenario. An excerpt of his statement is as follows:
“ Meor Amri went on to say that like it or not, toll rates will increase due to inflation and rising cost of highway maintenance. For example, every five years toll operators need to re-tar the road and maintain the highway's security systems and street lights. These are the things people fail to see when they look at toll operator's cost."
For PLUS, the increase of toll is mainly due to contractual obligation rather than inflation or operational needs. The maintenance cost form part of the portion of the companies operating cost but the other major cost is actually interest cost amounting to RM654 million in year 2008.
It is misleading to paint a picture that PLUS is losing money or require toll hike to sustain. PLUS has been generating profit since year 2003 onwards and even if the toll compensation is excluded PLUS will still generate a profit. For example in year 2008, the profit after tax is RM1billion and RM270million after excluding compensation.
Interestingly the dividend declared for 2008 amounting to RM800million exceeds the compensation payable by the Government of RM730million. The compensation due from Government has also been accumulating and have not been fully paid. Despite the built of toll compensation payable of up to RM2billion, the management have been able to pay dividend consistently. This indicates that PLUS is operating profitability and its cashflow is healthy. It is also important to note that the bulk of PLUS loans are bonds.
The CEO then goes to say the following:-
Thus, the only way toll rates can remain stagnant is when if there is no inflation, which is unrealistic. On calls for the government to subsidise tolls, Meor Amri said it is a defective notion as not all Malaysian citizens are toll users.
We are users directly and indirectly as transport of goods usually are through highway. Most logistic company uses highway to save time. Thus if there is a toll hike it affects the price of goods and service. The notion that toll hike only affects its user is not entirely true as other consumers of goods and services are also paying for toll hike indirectly.
In summary the proposal on acquiring PLUS should be considered seriously as measure like the recent discount does not resolve the crux of the toll hike and compensation problem.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Reply on PLUS Compensation and Comments On Research House Report
Minta Menteri Kerja Raya menyatakan jumlah pampasan yang dibayar kepada PLUS pada tahun 2008 dan jumlah pampasan yang perlu dibayar oleh kerajaan kepada PLUS pada tahun 2009.
Untuk makluman Ahli yang Berhormat, jumlah pampasan yang telah dibayar kepada syarikat konsesi PLUS berikutan penangguhan kenaikan kadar tol yang sepatutnya pada 1 Januari 2008 adalah berjumlah RM185.42 juta. Pampasan ini dibayar secara 2 peringkat iaitu 50% pada tahun 2008 dan baki 50% pada tahun 2009 setelah mengambil kira jumlah trafik sebenar.
Manakala jumlah pampasan yang dianggarkan perlu dibayar kepada syarikat konsesi PLUS pada tahun 2009 adalah sebanyak RM195.0 juta.
Maklumat tambahan
Kenaikan kadar tol bagi Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan sepatutnya berlaku pada 1 Januari 2008 iaitu daripada 13.60 sen/km kepada 14.96 sen/km. Walau bagaimanapun, kenaikan ini telah ditangguhkan dan jumlah pampasan yang telah dibayar adalah sebanyak RM185.42 juta. Seterusnya, kenaikan yang ditangguhkan pada tahun 2008 sepatutnya berlaku pada 1 Januari 2009 tetapi sekali lagi terpaksa ditangguhkan dan jumlah pampasan adalah dianggarkan sebanyak RM195 juta.
The answer is confusing compared to what is reported in PLUS financial statement.
From the PLUS financial statement, for the period of 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008, the compensation payable to PLUS is RM730.9 million. For the period of 1 January 2009 to 31 March 2009, the compensation payable as reported in PLUS financial statement is already RM187.2 million.
As such, the figure reflected in the quarterly reporting and annual report conflicts with the answer provided.
In addition I would like to comment on the recent article by DBS Vickers research on nationalizing PLUS. The article was titled as follows and the following are some excerpts;
PLUS nationalisation will cost RM30b, says DBS Vickers
The government is most unlikely to invoke an expropriation clause in the toll concession agreement to nationalise PLUS Expressways Bhd as it could involve shelling out a total of RM30 billion for such an exercise, said Singapore’s DBS Vickers Research.
DBS Vickers Research estimates the potential loss in profit for PLUS until the end of its concession in 2038 (discounted at a weighted average cost of capital of 6.5%) plus the assumption of debt meant that the government would have to shell out RM30 billion to nationalise PLUS.
DBS Vickers Research said “a partial toll rate increase of 5% every three years (versus the scheduled 10%) would generate FCF (free cash flow) yields after interest of 3%-16% and a DCF (discounted cash flow) value of RM3.22 vs our base scenario which generates FCF yield of 4%-25% and DCF value of RM4.22”.
It said this would likely be accompanied by additional tax and cash benefits or waiver of government loans.
“Regardless of the options taken, we think it will be at least NPV (net present value) neutral for PLUS given its majority shareholder Khazanah (Nasional Bhd), with 64% ownership, is still government-owned,” DBS Vickers Research said.
Comments : As such, it is clearly not viable to utilize the expropriation clause to nationalize PLUS. The article then proposes to acquire via Khazanah as follows;
Another option is a privatisation via Khazanah. “Assuming privatisation price at our target price of RM3.80 and assumption of PLUS debt less cash, (it) will work out to be RM15.7 billion.”
DBS Vickers Research said privatisation was unlikely as it “will likely anger East Malaysia BN (Barisan Nasional) component parties which control 40% of the total BN coalition”, with other cost and priority issues overhanging it.
Given that the focus is on two stimulus packages, a bond issuance of RM15.7 billion would not be easily absorbed, it added.
DBS Vickers Research said even without a privatisation now, PLUS’ near-term yields of 5% was still a key reason to maintain a buy call on the stock at RM3.32. It has a 12-month price target of RM3.80 for PLUS.
This is supported by resilient traffic volume growth of 3.2% in the first four months of the year (1Q09 3.1%), which has decoupled from 1Q09 GDP growth of -6.2%. The stock rose four sen to RM3.26 yesterday.
Comments :
The research house says that it is unlikely for the Government to acquire as it will anger the East Malaysia. Firstly, I doubt this will happen, as PLUS will continue to collect toll and the income earned will be used to offset the interest cost and repay the bond.
I didn’t propose that tolls are abolished. I have stressed that the reason for acquiring is to ensure toll hike is equitable and done only when necessary.
As such, I still believe that acquiring PLUS is not a bad deal financially. This is because even though PLUS is majority owned by Khazanah, we do not have any figures to support the fact that when Khazanah has been receiving dividend from PLUS the dividend back was given back to the government. There is a possibility that the dividend is utilized to subsidize some of the loss making operation within Khazanah. Also the sum of toll compensation has been increasing yearly up to RM730million in year 2008.
Lastly, if it is not financially viable to acquire the shares of PLUS, why would the research house then recommends a buy rating on the share? Wouldn’t it be contradicting? Furthermore at the start of the article the research house mentioned that if the toll rates are raised 5% every three years instead of 10%, the NPV of the project would be RM30billion.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Proposed version of payment scheme for property purchase 我对购买房产方式的一些建议
Most developers go scot-free while the homebuyers are burdened with instalment payment for incomplete homes. Imagine the burden of having to pay rental for a place to stay and then pay instalments for a home that you cannot occupy. The problem with the current STB is that developers start collecting payments as soon as buyers sign on the dotted line.
Problems associated with STB are constantly reported in the media and in Selangor alone it is estimated that there is nearly 45,000 units abandoned and it is estimated that it would required RM3 billion to RM5 billion just to revive the projects.
Due to STB-related problems, in April 2007, the government introduced the build then sell scheme (BTS) — to protect homebuyers. There are two types of BTS, the first one the complete BTS whereby homebuyers do not pay any deposit and type two whereby the buyers pay a 10 per cent deposit and only begin paying the remaining 90 per cent when the house is ready.
Unfortunately, the BTS approach is solely voluntary. With developers not being paid on a progressive basis, hardly any of them adopt this approach. The previous STB approach enables developers to source funds on a progressive basis.
Therefore the BTS is not feasible and it is only good in paper as developers shun it.
As such a new approach is necessary, to balance the interest of both developers and homebuyers.
From the buyers’ perspective, they want completed projects and not liable if they are abandoned.
Developers are concerned that without steady financing during construction, they would lack the cash flow to complete the project.
In addition, the funding cost to complete the project would have factored into the selling price of the home resulting in higher selling price. In between the developer and the homeowners, financial institutions provide the funds and recover the disbursement through the instalment payment received from the homeowners.
Taking into account the perspective of the homebuyers, developers and financial institutions, my hybrid of the BTS and STB is as follows;
Role of the Homebuyer
The homebuyer would pay a 10 per cent deposit for the projects and no more until project completion.
If the project is delayed there will not be any instalment payment.
Upon project completion, the instalment scheme starts immediately and the buyers is not allowed to withdraw from the sale and purchase agreement.
Role of the Developer
Any interest cost for the drawdown to pay the progress of the home is borne by the developers instead of the homebuyers.
If there are delays, the developer will continue to pay the interest cost. This will ensure speedy completions of the units.
Role of the financial institutions
Financial institutions predominantly only assess the ability of homebuyers to service their loans.
Under this approach the financial institutions evaluate developers’ ability to complete the project.
Financial institutions will forward progressive disbursements to the developers based on percentage completion.
However, if the project is abandoned, the financial institution would have to take the necessary action against the developer and NOT the homebuyers.
Once the project is completed the instalment will be serviced by the homebuyers.
No doubt, the above proposed scheme is not full proof and a lot of small developers may find this approach unattractive but the government can probably set aside some fund to ensure this approach is a success. I am glad to note that some developers have actually undertaken a similar approach on a voluntary basis to attract homebuyers during this period.
The financial institutions may not agree due to higher risk as they would have to assess both the homebuyer and developer. Under the current scheme, financial institutions are relatively risk free as loans are tied to the homebuyers.
There is also a possibility that the cost of homes would be slightly higher. This is because developers would factor in the interest expense incurred during the construction period.
For a home costing RM350,000 taking three years to complete, it is estimated that the interest cost would amount to +/- RM30,000. Even though the selling price is higher, the homebuyer is at least assured that if the project is abandoned they will not be burden with instalments.
Ultimately the Government has to weigh the benefits of this proposal compared to the risk of having more abandoned projects.
Financial institutions cannot be ignorant and hope to rely on the homebuyers to judge if a project can complete. Developers with good track record have nothing to worry about.
In summary, any new approach would require buy-in from the homebuyers, financial institutions and developers. Dialogue, forum and discussion are necessary to get feedback and to formulate a detailed revised approach.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Anggaran Kos Penambahbaikan Jambatan di Jalan Gemas ke Ayer Hitam sebanyak RM11 juta
Berapa jumlah kemalangan yang berlaku di Jalan Gemas ke Air Hitam, Johor dari tahun 2006 hingga Mei 2009. Adakah pembinaan beberapa jambatan berkembar di sepanjang Jalan Gemas ke Ayer Hitam telah menyebabkan kekeliruan kepada pengguna jalan raya sehingga menyebabkan kemalangan berlaku.
Berdasarkan sumber dari Polis Diraja Malaysia, perangkaan jumlah kemalangan yang berlaku di Negeri Johor dari tahun 2006 hingga 2009 adalah sebanyak 155,393 kes. Daripada jumlah itu, sebanyak 206 kemalangan berlaku di Jalan Gemas ke Ayer Hitam termasuk 7 kemalangan maut.
Kementerian Pengangkutan tidak mempunyai perangkaan berhubung dengan jumlah kemalangan yang berlaku akibat pembinaan jambatan berkembar di sepanjang Jalan Gemas ke Ayer Hitam. Menurut Jabatan Kerja Raya, terdapat 12 jambatan di sepanjang laluan tersebut. JKR merancang untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja penambahbaikan terhadap jambatan-jambatan berkenaan tertakhluk kepada kelulusan peruntukan. Adalah dianggarkan kos-kos penambahbaikan jambatan-jambatan tersebut adalah sebanyak RM 11 juta.
The cost as estimated is a huge sum but I hope to appeal and write to the necessary authorities to remediate the situation. As a temporary measure lighting at the bridge especially from Yong Peng to Labis has been fixed. At certain stretches whereby lighting is not there, I have raised the matter in the monthly action meeting with the District Officer so that the necessary lighting can be placed to avoid any untoward incidents.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
在教育部决定之前,教育部会先收集人民的意见,我希望大家踊跃向教育部提出意见,大家可打电话到教育部的服务热线,电话号码是03-7723 7070,或者电邮到提出你的意见。
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Ucapan saya di Majlis Penyerahan Wang Pendahuluan Pembiayaan PTPTN

Para hadirin yang dihormati sekalian,
PTPTN telah diwujudkan semenjak tahun 1997 untuk membantu pelajar-pelajar yang ingin melanjutkan pelajaran di institusi tinggi tetapi tidak berkemampuan dari segi kewangan. Tujuan adalah untuk meringankan beban ibubapa dan pelajar yang ingin melajutkan pelajaran dan kadar faedah pada masa ini juga adalah munasabah kerana hanya sebanyak 3% berbanding caj kadar faedah dari institusi-institusi kewangan yang lain. Sebagai contoh, 89 pelajar di Labis akan mendapat RM 1,500 seorang sebagai wang pendahuluan PTPTN yang berjumlah RM 133,500.00.
Namun demikian, saya difahamkan bahawa laporan tahunan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi menjangkakan Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) akan mengalami defisit sebanyak RM 46 bilion pada tahun 2020. Ini adalah satu perkara yang mengejutkan dan ianya tidak harus berlaku.
Selain itu, pihak Kerajaan juga telah mengenal pasti seramai 78,000 peminjam PTPTN disahkan tidak pernah menjelaskan bayaran pinjaman dan menyebabkan mereka dihalang untuk ke luar negara. Para peminjam PTPTN hanya dibenarkan untuk ke luar Negara sekiranya mereka boleh mengemukakan bukti bahawa mereka telah menjelaskan bayaran pinjaman. Jika keadaan ini berterusan, peminjam PTPTN akan mengalami masalah untuk berurusan ke luar negara mahupun membuat pinjaman yang lain apabila tamat pengajian kelak.
Sekiranya hutang pinjaman pelajar-pelajar tidak dapat diselaraskan, maka menjelang tahun 2020 dengan defisit sebanyak RM46 bilion, kemungkinan besar PTPTN tidak akan dapat membuat pinjaman kepada pelajar-pelajar di masa hadapan.
Salah satu sebab peminjam PTPTN tidak mampu membayar balik pinjaman yang telah dibuat adalah kerana ketiadaan sumber pendapatan yang tetap. Laporan daripada Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi juga telah menganggarkan sejumlah 60,000 siswazah di kategorikan sebagai penganggur.
Walaubagaimanapun, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi telah mengambil langkah untuk membaiki keadaan ini dengan menganjurkan program seperti ‘Karnival Kerjaya dan Keusahawanan Graduan 2009’. Program ini adalah sangat tepat pada masanya kerana ianya membuka peluang kepada graduan baru untuk merebut hampir 14,000 pekerjaan yang ditawarkan.
Terdapat juga pelbagai usaha yang lain yang telah dilaksanakan bagi membantu graduan-graduan yang meminjam PTPTN membayar balik pinjaman. Pihak PTPTN telah cuba untuk bertolak ansur terhadap peminjam malahan peminjam boleh membayar secara ansuran bulanan serendah RM50 melalui bank. Selain itu, PTPTN juga telah menyediakan kemudahan sistem bayaran melalui online (E-payment) bagi memudahkan pembayaran untuk dilakukan.
Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian,
Kerajaan amat memandang berat sektor pelajaran dan keadaan pelajar-pelajar tempatan. Memandangkan keadaan yang lembap dalam sektor ekonomi pada ketika ini, kerajaan masih menyediakan peruntukan sebanyak RM3 bilion, iaitu sama seperti tahun lalu untuk pelajar baru membuat pinjaman melalui Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) tahun ini. Ini menunjukkan satu langkah yang baik bagi memastikan bahawa kemudahan PTPTN terus diberikan untuk membantu pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.
Akhir kata, saya dengan penuh sukacita Merasmikan Majlis Penyerahan Wang Pendahuluan Pembiayaan Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) kepada 89 pelajar-pelajar di Parlimen Labis.
Sekian, terima kasih.
最后, 再次感谢高等教育局发出援助金给89名拉美士区的学生,谢谢。