Thursday, July 30, 2009



最近,农业及农基工业部长拿督诺奥马建议从今年尾开始实行固本制度,让低收入群以固本来购买ST15 级白米,也就是掺15%碎米的白米,以解决这种白米缺货的问题。


虽然目前政府补贴的ST15 白米每月生产4万公吨,而根据农业部的统计,消费人每月只需要大概3万2千公吨的ST15白米,不应该还有短缺的问题,不过市面上还是有人投诉这种白米的供应不够。




如果固本措施可以解决问题, 政府也应该考虑扩大到其它日常用品, 例如白糖、食油、面粉等,确保这些日常用品的政府补贴真正让有需要的人受惠。


可是,因为目前全国大概有498万人的家庭收入每月少过1千令吉,我希望当局在审查名单时要关注这点。此外,政府也应该确保“寻找计划”(Projek Cari)的受惠者也拿到固本。



Wednesday, July 29, 2009





除了教育, 首相拿督斯里纳吉上任一百天时,也宣布了日后施政的6 个关键领域,而排在第一的就是防范罪案。









Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Insentif Pengeluaran Hasil Tanaman

Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia telah menyediakan Insentif Pengeluaran Tanaman kepada pengeluar sayur atau buah, maklumat berikut dipetik dari laman web Jabatan Pertanian:

Pelaksanaan Insentif Tanaman Di Bawah Dasar Jaminan Bekalan Makanan


Tujuan pemberian insentif adalah untuk:
1. Meringankan bebanan pengusaha berikutan kenaikan kos pengeluaran.
2. Menggalakkan peningkatan pengeluaran tanaman makanan (Buah-buahan dan Sayur-sayuran).

Kadar Insentif Tanaman

Kadar insentif yang dipersetujui seperti berikut:
1. Sayur-sayuran dan tanaman kontan - RM 81.00 metrik/tan
2. Buah-buahan - RM 78.00 metrik/tan

Syarat-Syarat Kelayakan Insentif

· Warganegara Malaysia.
· Pengusaha Individu, Syarikat dan Institusi.
· Mengusahakan tanah sendiri, disewa, dipajak atau lain-lain status tanah yang diluluskan oleh Pihak Berkuasa berkaitan.
· Mempunyai Rekod Ladang.
· Berdaftar di bawah Jabatan Pertanian Semenanjung,Jabatan Pertanian Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan, Jabatan Pertanian Sabah dan Sarawak. Pemberian insentif hanya layak diberi berdasarkan kepada permohonan dengan menggunakan borang pendaftaran yang khusus.
. Mempunyai akaun di Agrobank.

Jenis-Jenis Tanaman

Insentif akan diberikan berdasar kepada pengeluaran hasil yang dijual sahaja. Jenis-jenis tanaman yang akan diberi insentif seperti berikut:

Sayur-sayuran dan tanaman kontan
Brassica (sawi)
Kacang buncis
Kacang panjang
Labu manis
Ubi kayu
Jagung manis

Duku/Duku Langsat

Semua pengusaha yang layak perlu berdaftar dengan Jabatan Pertanian di Pejabat Pertanian yang paling hampir dengan ladang/kebun pengusaha dengan menggunakan Borang Pendaftaran yang disediakan dalam laman web Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia:

Saturday, July 18, 2009





Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nationalisation of toll operators not viable?

There seems to be a lot of misconception of the proposal to nationalize the PLUS highway. I have proposed for Khazanah to acquire the remainder stake but I did not propose that toll fee is abolished. I believe that the toll fee should be maintained. The reason I am proposing that Khazanah acquire the remainder stake of PLUS highway is to prevent the Government from incurring toll compensation that has been increasing yearly up to RM730 million in 2008.

In addition, the acquisition will enable the Government to vary the toll hike instead of facing this dilemma every three years. A hike of nearly 10% every three years may seem to be in line with the CPI index, however as the highway is a vital social infrastructure it should not be generating huge profit via compensation from the Government. I am positive that the consumer will agree to a toll hike if PLUS is not making huge profits and the toll hike is necessary for the maintenance of the highway or repayment of loans.

Some may argue that since Khazanah is the majority shareholder therefore any compensation given to PLUS will flow to Khazanah and back to Government. I do not have the data to support whether most of the yearly dividend from Khazanah to the Government is from PLUS or that PLUS profit is used to subsidize other loss making operation of Khazanah. Furthermore in the recent Mini Budget, Khazanah receives additional RM10Billion for its investment purposes.

The total compensation from 2003 to 2008 is RM2.837 billion. The possible cumulative toll compensation from 2009 to 2038 will amount to RM21 billion (RM730million x 29 years) and this excludes profit from operation of the business.

As such the comments by the Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia Sdn Bhd (BPA) Chief Executive Officer Meor Amri Meor Ayob may not be reflecting the true scenario. An excerpt of his statement is as follows:

“ Meor Amri went on to say that like it or not, toll rates will increase due to inflation and rising cost of highway maintenance. For example, every five years toll operators need to re-tar the road and maintain the highway's security systems and street lights. These are the things people fail to see when they look at toll operator's cost."

For PLUS, the increase of toll is mainly due to contractual obligation rather than inflation or operational needs. The maintenance cost form part of the portion of the companies operating cost but the other major cost is actually interest cost amounting to RM654 million in year 2008.
It is misleading to paint a picture that PLUS is losing money or require toll hike to sustain. PLUS has been generating profit since year 2003 onwards and even if the toll compensation is excluded PLUS will still generate a profit. For example in year 2008, the profit after tax is RM1billion and RM270million after excluding compensation.

Interestingly the dividend declared for 2008 amounting to RM800million exceeds the compensation payable by the Government of RM730million. The compensation due from Government has also been accumulating and have not been fully paid. Despite the built of toll compensation payable of up to RM2billion, the management have been able to pay dividend consistently. This indicates that PLUS is operating profitability and its cashflow is healthy. It is also important to note that the bulk of PLUS loans are bonds.

The CEO then goes to say the following:-

Thus, the only way toll rates can remain stagnant is when if there is no inflation, which is unrealistic. On calls for the government to subsidise tolls, Meor Amri said it is a defective notion as not all Malaysian citizens are toll users.

We are users directly and indirectly as transport of goods usually are through highway. Most logistic company uses highway to save time. Thus if there is a toll hike it affects the price of goods and service. The notion that toll hike only affects its user is not entirely true as other consumers of goods and services are also paying for toll hike indirectly.

In summary the proposal on acquiring PLUS should be considered seriously as measure like the recent discount does not resolve the crux of the toll hike and compensation problem.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Reply on PLUS Compensation and Comments On Research House Report

I have received a written reply on the question on the compensation of PLUS as follows;


Minta Menteri Kerja Raya menyatakan jumlah pampasan yang dibayar kepada PLUS pada tahun 2008 dan jumlah pampasan yang perlu dibayar oleh kerajaan kepada PLUS pada tahun 2009.


Untuk makluman Ahli yang Berhormat, jumlah pampasan yang telah dibayar kepada syarikat konsesi PLUS berikutan penangguhan kenaikan kadar tol yang sepatutnya pada 1 Januari 2008 adalah berjumlah RM185.42 juta. Pampasan ini dibayar secara 2 peringkat iaitu 50% pada tahun 2008 dan baki 50% pada tahun 2009 setelah mengambil kira jumlah trafik sebenar.

Manakala jumlah pampasan yang dianggarkan perlu dibayar kepada syarikat konsesi PLUS pada tahun 2009 adalah sebanyak RM195.0 juta.

Maklumat tambahan

Kenaikan kadar tol bagi Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan sepatutnya berlaku pada 1 Januari 2008 iaitu daripada 13.60 sen/km kepada 14.96 sen/km. Walau bagaimanapun, kenaikan ini telah ditangguhkan dan jumlah pampasan yang telah dibayar adalah sebanyak RM185.42 juta. Seterusnya, kenaikan yang ditangguhkan pada tahun 2008 sepatutnya berlaku pada 1 Januari 2009 tetapi sekali lagi terpaksa ditangguhkan dan jumlah pampasan adalah dianggarkan sebanyak RM195 juta.

The answer is confusing compared to what is reported in PLUS financial statement.

From the PLUS financial statement, for the period of 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008, the compensation payable to PLUS is RM730.9 million. For the period of 1 January 2009 to 31 March 2009, the compensation payable as reported in PLUS financial statement is already RM187.2 million.

As such, the figure reflected in the quarterly reporting and annual report conflicts with the answer provided.

In addition I would like to comment on the recent article by DBS Vickers research on nationalizing PLUS. The article was titled as follows and the following are some excerpts;

PLUS nationalisation will cost RM30b, says DBS Vickers

The government is most unlikely to invoke an expropriation clause in the toll concession agreement to nationalise PLUS Expressways Bhd as it could involve shelling out a total of RM30 billion for such an exercise, said Singapore’s DBS Vickers Research.

DBS Vickers Research estimates the potential loss in profit for PLUS until the end of its concession in 2038 (discounted at a weighted average cost of capital of 6.5%) plus the assumption of debt meant that the government would have to shell out RM30 billion to nationalise PLUS.

DBS Vickers Research said “a partial toll rate increase of 5% every three years (versus the scheduled 10%) would generate FCF (free cash flow) yields after interest of 3%-16% and a DCF (discounted cash flow) value of RM3.22 vs our base scenario which generates FCF yield of 4%-25% and DCF value of RM4.22”.

It said this would likely be accompanied by additional tax and cash benefits or waiver of government loans.

“Regardless of the options taken, we think it will be at least NPV (net present value) neutral for PLUS given its majority shareholder Khazanah (Nasional Bhd), with 64% ownership, is still government-owned,” DBS Vickers Research said.

Comments : As such, it is clearly not viable to utilize the expropriation clause to nationalize PLUS. The article then proposes to acquire via Khazanah as follows;

Another option is a privatisation via Khazanah. “Assuming privatisation price at our target price of RM3.80 and assumption of PLUS debt less cash, (it) will work out to be RM15.7 billion.”

DBS Vickers Research said privatisation was unlikely as it “will likely anger East Malaysia BN (Barisan Nasional) component parties which control 40% of the total BN coalition”, with other cost and priority issues overhanging it.

Given that the focus is on two stimulus packages, a bond issuance of RM15.7 billion would not be easily absorbed, it added.

DBS Vickers Research said even without a privatisation now, PLUS’ near-term yields of 5% was still a key reason to maintain a buy call on the stock at RM3.32. It has a 12-month price target of RM3.80 for PLUS.

This is supported by resilient traffic volume growth of 3.2% in the first four months of the year (1Q09 3.1%), which has decoupled from 1Q09 GDP growth of -6.2%. The stock rose four sen to RM3.26 yesterday.

Comments :

The research house says that it is unlikely for the Government to acquire as it will anger the East Malaysia. Firstly, I doubt this will happen, as PLUS will continue to collect toll and the income earned will be used to offset the interest cost and repay the bond.

I didn’t propose that tolls are abolished. I have stressed that the reason for acquiring is to ensure toll hike is equitable and done only when necessary.

As such, I still believe that acquiring PLUS is not a bad deal financially. This is because even though PLUS is majority owned by Khazanah, we do not have any figures to support the fact that when Khazanah has been receiving dividend from PLUS the dividend back was given back to the government. There is a possibility that the dividend is utilized to subsidize some of the loss making operation within Khazanah. Also the sum of toll compensation has been increasing yearly up to RM730million in year 2008.

Lastly, if it is not financially viable to acquire the shares of PLUS, why would the research house then recommends a buy rating on the share? Wouldn’t it be contradicting? Furthermore at the start of the article the research house mentioned that if the toll rates are raised 5% every three years instead of 10%, the NPV of the project would be RM30billion.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Proposed version of payment scheme for property purchase 我对购买房产方式的一些建议

Adapted from malaysianinsider

JULY 7 — Most housing developments in Malaysia are undertaken by private developers who use the concept of sell then build (STB). Even though most of the projects are ultimately completed, there are a number of abandoned projects — leaving the homebuyers in the lurch.

Most developers go scot-free while the homebuyers are burdened with instalment payment for incomplete homes. Imagine the burden of having to pay rental for a place to stay and then pay instalments for a home that you cannot occupy. The problem with the current STB is that developers start collecting payments as soon as buyers sign on the dotted line.

Problems associated with STB are constantly reported in the media and in Selangor alone it is estimated that there is nearly 45,000 units abandoned and it is estimated that it would required RM3 billion to RM5 billion just to revive the projects.

Due to STB-related problems, in April 2007, the government introduced the build then sell scheme (BTS) — to protect homebuyers. There are two types of BTS, the first one the complete BTS whereby homebuyers do not pay any deposit and type two whereby the buyers pay a 10 per cent deposit and only begin paying the remaining 90 per cent when the house is ready.

Unfortunately, the BTS approach is solely voluntary. With developers not being paid on a progressive basis, hardly any of them adopt this approach. The previous STB approach enables developers to source funds on a progressive basis.

Therefore the BTS is not feasible and it is only good in paper as developers shun it.

As such a new approach is necessary, to balance the interest of both developers and homebuyers.

From the buyers’ perspective, they want completed projects and not liable if they are abandoned.

Developers are concerned that without steady financing during construction, they would lack the cash flow to complete the project.

In addition, the funding cost to complete the project would have factored into the selling price of the home resulting in higher selling price. In between the developer and the homeowners, financial institutions provide the funds and recover the disbursement through the instalment payment received from the homeowners.

Taking into account the perspective of the homebuyers, developers and financial institutions, my hybrid of the BTS and STB is as follows;

Role of the Homebuyer

The homebuyer would pay a 10 per cent deposit for the projects and no more until project completion.

If the project is delayed there will not be any instalment payment.

Upon project completion, the instalment scheme starts immediately and the buyers is not allowed to withdraw from the sale and purchase agreement.

Role of the Developer

During the stage of construction, the developer is able to claim progress payment from the financial institutions for the projects.

Any interest cost for the drawdown to pay the progress of the home is borne by the developers instead of the homebuyers.

If there are delays, the developer will continue to pay the interest cost. This will ensure speedy completions of the units.

Role of the financial institutions

Financial institutions predominantly only assess the ability of homebuyers to service their loans.
Under this approach the financial institutions evaluate developers’ ability to complete the project.

Financial institutions will forward progressive disbursements to the developers based on percentage completion.

However, if the project is abandoned, the financial institution would have to take the necessary action against the developer and NOT the homebuyers.

Once the project is completed the instalment will be serviced by the homebuyers.

No doubt, the above proposed scheme is not full proof and a lot of small developers may find this approach unattractive but the government can probably set aside some fund to ensure this approach is a success. I am glad to note that some developers have actually undertaken a similar approach on a voluntary basis to attract homebuyers during this period.

The financial institutions may not agree due to higher risk as they would have to assess both the homebuyer and developer. Under the current scheme, financial institutions are relatively risk free as loans are tied to the homebuyers.

There is also a possibility that the cost of homes would be slightly higher. This is because developers would factor in the interest expense incurred during the construction period.

For a home costing RM350,000 taking three years to complete, it is estimated that the interest cost would amount to +/- RM30,000. Even though the selling price is higher, the homebuyer is at least assured that if the project is abandoned they will not be burden with instalments.

Ultimately the Government has to weigh the benefits of this proposal compared to the risk of having more abandoned projects.

Financial institutions cannot be ignorant and hope to rely on the homebuyers to judge if a project can complete. Developers with good track record have nothing to worry about.

In summary, any new approach would require buy-in from the homebuyers, financial institutions and developers. Dialogue, forum and discussion are necessary to get feedback and to formulate a detailed revised approach.














